Smart plugs and the RPi/LibreELEC
I'm running LibreELEC 10.0.2 on a RPi4, with a couple of Seagate hard drives attached for media storage/TV watching.

I know the Pi uses minimal electricity to run, but for the sake of experimenting, and to possibly reduce power consumption I've installed a smart plug to power down the Pi/Hard Drives/TV and 5.1 surround system when not in active use.

Everything works great, power off when not in use, one-click on the mobile phone to Power on the whole TV rig.

However I've noticed every now and again the LED on the Pi will flash on/off for just a half second, as if the smart plug is 'leaking' a small amount of power through to the Pi.

Is this detrimental to the Pi and SD card? possible eventual corruption? Or am I just being paranoid.

These are the Smart plugs I'm using - Smart Plugs
This question doesn't relate to kodi.
You'll have a better chance of an informed answer on the pi forum.
(2022-08-15, 13:04)popcornmix Wrote: This question doesn't relate to kodi.
You'll have a better chance of an informed answer on the pi forum.

Well it kind of is related to KODI as It's the front end for LibreELEC's OS, but fair enough I may well have more luck on the Pi forums.

It occured to me that to bypass any possible corruption of the SD card during the brief power surge (for want of a better term) All I'd need is a setting within KODI, or a script to run at boot, that delays the initial start-up of the OS (LibreELEC/KODI) for a couple of seconds.

IIRC there is such a thing for delaying the Network connection?

At the end of the day the potential corruption might not be an issue at all, just me being paranoid Confused

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Smart plugs and the RPi/LibreELEC0