Kodi 20 crashing on Nvidia Shield
Here we go again with the cat and mouse of trying to work out bloody Kodi issues. So annoying, dont know why i bothered updating to 20 when it was working quite perfectly before.

Seems to crash without fail on doing a library update, have had it crash on launch as well, but can only replicated with library search atm. No entirely sure whats doing it at this point.

I have my log that i have got from Kodi but its massive and doesnt seem to fit all within pastebin, so i dont know whether to just show the end parts where it seems to crash or how far up i can go with my log, but i have pasted it in the address below in the hopes someone can see something i cant..

(2023-03-15, 12:54)ThatSlimGuy Wrote: Here we go again with the cat and mouse of trying to work out bloody Kodi issues. So annoying, dont know why i bothered updating to 20 when it was working quite perfectly before.

Seems to crash without fail on doing a library update, have had it crash on launch as well, but can only replicated with library search atm. No entirely sure whats doing it at this point.

I have my log that i have got from Kodi but its massive and doesnt seem to fit all within pastebin, so i dont know whether to just show the end parts where it seems to crash or how far up i can go with my log, but i have pasted it in the address below in the hopes someone can see something i cant..

Have you updated to 20.1? Looks like you are scraping a bunch of tv shows. Afraid I won’t be much help with that, sorry.
(2023-03-15, 18:55)wags1 Wrote: Have you updated to 20.1? Looks like you are scraping a bunch of tv shows. Afraid I won’t be much help with that, sorry.

With this not yet, still have not got the update as was still 20.0. Hoping maybe it could fix the update but i can see whats going wrong at all. While not expert in reading logs usually it can be identrified within the last few lines. 

Might just have to wait out for the update in the hopes it solves what ever is going on..

i am working on a similar situation with kodi crashes on library updates, my setup is quite different but im working on a theory that seems to resolve it, temporarily until i start adding things again.

try this out and see what happens, go to the .kodi/temp folder and clear it out, specifically a folder marked scrapers (but all is better)

my setup isnt the same so it's a shot in the dark but the behavior of crash when scanning is the same
@ThatSlimGuy I would recommend updating to 20.1. I was having occasional crashing issues with 20.0 on both my Shields and they are both rock solid running 20.1. Of course YMMV.
(2023-03-19, 05:36)wags1 Wrote: @ThatSlimGuy I would recommend updating to 20.1. I was having occasional crashing issues with 20.0 on both my Shields and they are both rock solid running 20.1. Of course YMMV.

Yeah for sure going to give it a go but have been super busy between days of late. But im going to push the update today and hopefully try it out soon after. Sounds promising. Ty!

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Kodi 20 crashing on Nvidia Shield0