Solved How to paste a long amount of text into kodi on SHIELD TV?
This is driving me nuts.

Im trrying to paste a long auth link for a website and since (to my knowledge) the latest version of kodi for android dosent support the remote feature, i cant paste this link in to kodi. Ive tried copying it from a text file on my local files and trying to paste it in kodi but that wont work. If anyone has any ideas, they would be GREATLY apreciated.

  1. enable the web interface on kodi
  2. go to where you want to paste the text in kodi
  3. open the kodi web interface on your computer
  4. click 'send text' on the lower right on the web interface
  5. paste whatever text
  6. click send
Unfortunately the control section does not exist on this version of Kodi. It exists on my windows variant, but not the android version.
it exists on my firetv, has existed since version 19.4 that i know for sure and i recall using it before that ...

if you're not using a modern version i dont know what else can help you, maybe plug in a usb keyboard

oh and the video showing it is 3 years old so it certainly existed 3 years ago
Its a shield TV so its only from 2019. Im also using the latest version of android kodi, specifically the (ARMV8) apk. How did you go about acuiring it on your system?
Okay, so oddly enough, a reinstall of kodi fixed the issue. Thanks for the help.
Thread marked solved.
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How to paste a long amount of text into kodi on SHIELD TV?0