Android CCwGTV Surround sound not working

I couldn't find an existing topic, so I am creating this one. 

- Google Chromecast with Google TV connected to my Denon AVR-x1700h
- VLC can play videos with AAC/DD 5.1 working
- Netflix can play videos with DDP working
- Kodi videos with AAC/DD5.1 not working, stereo is detected by Denon receiver

There aren't many settings I can change in Kodi. Default output devices, 2.0 channels, pass through enabled.

When I play a video with 5.1 sounds, the denon only sees 2.0 stereo. Same video in VLC plays correctly with surround sound on the Denon.
Is there anything I need to configure to get surround sound working with Kodi?
I notice that when I change the channels to 7.1, the Denon says "Multi In", which I think means Kodi is decoding the surround sound and sending PCM.
That is somewhat OK, but I'd rather have it working properly.

I enabled Debug logging, but don't know how to get the log file uploaded. The file manager won't allow me into the folder where log is.
The Debug Log Upload add is not available for install it seems.


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