Movie sets default sorting

In the Estuary Skin, you can find this code inside the MyVideoNav.xml file :
<control type="group">
<visible>ListItem.IsCollection + String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Plot)</visible>
<include content="InfoList">
<param name="bottom" value="108" />
<param name="width" value="540" />
<param name="sortby" value="year" />
<param name="sortorder" value="ascending" />
<param name="font" value="font13" />

by replacing "year" by "sorttitle", we can have the movie set list in the order it has be to played (InfoWall view).

However, when you enter into the movie set (whatever the view you are using), the default sorting is by year. Obviously, you can always change it. But when you have many movie sets, this starts to be quite tedious.

How can I change the default sorting (year is a bad way of sorting for movie sets to my point of vue) ? I have tried to add
<content sortby="sorttitle" sortorder="ascending" />
to the Wall and InfoWall panels with no luck.

Any ideas ? Thanks Smile
I believe the code you shared is to display the list of titles in the label where the plot usually goes off there's no plot for a given set.

You can see in the visibility condition that this only displays when a set is selected with out a plot.

Also library content is populated dynamically so you can't control it with the sort order tag from the skin.

What you could try is using "Container.SetSortMethod(id)"

This is a built-in function. So you need something to trigger it from. You could try putting it in the <onfocus> of the actual Estuary containers used to display library content. With a condition on it so it only triggers if the container has sets.

The containers used will have ids assigned coordinating to the views. One container per view.For Estuary, it's probably 50,501 etc. Find the container with the IDs of the views you use.

Then add:

<onfocus condition="Container.Content(sets)">Container.SetSortMethod(29)</onfocus>

That might work...
Thanks it works great Smile,

I have added your code in the panel / fixedlist control (depending of the view).

I changed it to :
<onfocus condition="Container.Content(sets) | Container.Content(movies) | Container.Content(genres)">Container.SetSortMethod(29)</onfocus>

so this can work when you are into a movie set folder but not entering from the set element specificly.

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Movie sets default sorting0