XBMC Win32 and HD Contant
Hello Community.

I am using XBMC now since 3 Years on my XBOX. Now its time to HD. I have build a HTPC System and searching for the best MediaCenter Software for Windows.

I want to play the following:

*TS, M2TS, MKV (H.264)
*Blurays, HDDVDs (with LG Multirom Drive)
*and so on

Whats the Status of XBMC with HD Content? Does it plays my m2ts, MKV files from hdd??

Could i integrate an external Player for Blurays, HDDVDs (ill think the only solution at this time is PowerDVD --> the only solution that works!)

Thanks for your Information
Yes, XBMC plays it all. You should know that if you've been using XBMC on the original Xbox.

As for Power DVD, you will need to make XBMC launch it if you want to watch HD-DVD or Bluray. It can also be done, of course.
Thanks for the Info. I have now testet XBMC Win32, and it worked for me and all formats i have listed above.

I have written a small app that handles Bluray discs and HDDVDs with PowerDVD. Did you know an other solution fü this disc types?


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