
I cant find any code sample to understand the WindowXMLDialog function, I would like to find some small easy code snippets. Does anyone know where to find anything?

I'm also woundering about the strFallbackPath, is it the same syntax for Linux, Xbox and Windows?

Thanks from the rookie
Not sure if this will help, might be a bit outdated, but this is the old WindowXMLExample

Also might help to look at the source of some of the scripts that use WindowXML, check the XBMC-scripting SVN for the latest versions of the script;

More information on how to checkout a SVN (subversion) directory check this tutorial written by xboxbox451;
that's probably outdated.

a simple script is the changelog script, while it is a WindowXML not a WindowXMLDialog. you should be able to substitute accordingly
For python coding questions first see
Thanks for the links, now I just have to understand.
There seems to be a problem with the fallback, I have tested the WindowXMLExample but it only finds the "Script_WindowXMLExample.xml" if I put it in the folder for the skin that is curently active. I thought it would work if I copyed "Script_WindowXMLExample.xml" to ...scripts\WinXMLExample\DefaultSkin\pal\Script_WindowXMLExample.xml.

// Robert

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