cannot ftp to xbox while in xbmc
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when i am in xbmc and i connect with flashfxp...........seems that it conects i see all the partitions of my xbox but when i try to get into a partiotion say c: or f: it says access denied?

is there somethign i have to do to my filezilla server.xml or my xbmc.xml?

i have no prob with the http server (ridiculously insane) but ftp i can't get in , does seem to connect but i cannot get into the partitions to see my files.

my xlink kai dosent seem to work via xbmc either i did verything in the guide
figured it out all i had to do was make sure my ip and all other network settings were in te xbmc.xml
just fyi, it's rude to use the angry 'smillie' when asking for help/support, and please post in the correct (support) forum next time, tia
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cannot ftp to xbox while in xbmc0