Help with Linux on this media pc.
Hi guys

first let me say I have NO knowledge of Linux at all, I have a HTPC currently running Vista with XBMC that runs great but wanted a stand alone unit

FOund this barebones PC in maplin today for £149 with NO Hard drive or OS, have a 750gb sata to throw in it so wondered if you think it will be suitable system for a linux stand alone XBMC PC.

Specs Intel 915 3GHz CPU 1GB Memory. Onboard Video with DVI output card, 7.1 Audio with spdif out.

Built in Wireless G Lan 10/100 and Freeview TV Tuner and Wireless Remote and keyboard.

It comes with very little info other than a disk of drivers for Vista/XP, and says it has been tested with those OS.

DO you think it is a suitable canidate for Linux XBMC or should I stump up for VISTA/XP on it.

And if so what is the easiest way of getting it set up with XBMC for a total no info linux person!

Here are some pics of the hardware

this is causing some excitement but isn't spec'd high enough for XBMC

Saying that I've also ordered one and am looking at a low-rise graphics card to replace the on-board graphics and the breakout board that's in the PCI-E socket.

I've found these sites which may offer some more info but haven't looked deep enough into success stories with XBMC

Now to find a graphics card with TV-out:mad:
ps: How big is the box that this comes in as it needs to come to Sweden with me on Sunday
That is pretty neat-o. You can always boot up with the XBMC Live which is Linux but doesn't require any install. If it doesn't detect everything automatically i'd stick with Windows for easier manageability (Especially if you're not familiar with Linux, it's a whole different world.).
OK well i have had a play for a few hours and dont think it will make the grade

With Vista will not run XBMC at all crashes out

With Live it runs SD OK but drops frames like mad with 720p mkv's

Installed latest b
ubuntu but cannot seem to get xbmc on , cant get the repository recognised

so performance wise its about the same as when i tried xbmc on an atom netbook, so think i will sling it back to maplin tomorrow its just not going to cut it.

as for the box 70cm by 50cm by25cm and HEAVY
Vickyl, what case is that? It looks pretty sweet.
Don't give up on it yet. Try to install a full video card instead of depending on the one that's in there. It doesn't even look like it has a heat sink. Take out the wireless card and put a full height video card in it's place for the moment and see what kind of performance you get out of it. I wouldn't put Vista on there at all if possible. XP with SP3 would probably be your best bet. I personally dislike Vista with a passion though so don't take my word for it. Smile
you will need a low profile video card after a bit of searching I've gone for this

I thought somewhere it mentioned that it came with a low profile double bracket, if it doesn't then the hacksaw is coming out

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Help with Linux on this media pc.0