[xbox]video.google plugin does not work for me xbmc9.04
Hi guys

I have managed to install the google video and the veoh video plugins, but alas neither manage to return a successful search. They come up with 0 results.

I have successful connection as my youtube script works fine..

any ideas guys please ?

thank u
Those plugins are from october of 2008 and are outdated. Plugins require the site that they utilize to remain unchanged or they can break. Even small changes in the website are enough to mess up the functionality. Their creator, Voinage, has been busy with non-XBMC life stuff. A while back, he said he was going to update some of his plugins when he gets some free time that he can devote to it.

In the future, please submit a proper debug log (http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW..._debug_log) which will help others help you.
I will submit my logs in the future, but I was under the impression that I must try to see if the problem has been addressed in the past by someone else.

from your reply you seem to suggest that at the moment nobody can connect to google video via these plug-ins,

yet you suggest I should upload my logs for this bug, implying that perhaps there is a solution ??

can you elaborate please , which is the case ?
Submitting your log is the normal thing to do whenever you have a problem. Submitting your log just means pasting the contents of xbmc.log into a pastebin site and then putting that link inside your post. I just happened to know about the plugins that you were using so I didn't need a debug log to know that the plugins were outdated.

Only submit a bug report after either being told to do so, or after posting a problem in the forums and finding out that others have the same issue and it isn't a matter of updating a plugin.

This is not a bug. A bug is a bigger problem that is with the entire program. There is nothing wrong with XBMC not working with these plugins. The problem is on the side of the plugins.

For the google video plugin, you can report that it isn't working anymore here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?p=284202 which is the thread stating that it is released. I'm sure that Voinage realizes that it is broken, but the normal thing to do is post any issues you are having with a specific plugin into that plugin's thread. Whenever a fix does come along, the plugin's thread is where you would be notified.

To sum it up: The solution would be for the plugin to be updated. Also, including a pastebin link to your debug log in your post is always a good idea whenever you have a problem. Sorry for any confusion.

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[xbox]video.google plugin does not work for me xbmc9.040