How to find out if keyboard-Input is allowed.
In my script i want to get information if keyboard input is needed,
for example "search" -in Music or if file has to be renamed.

I dont want to use Onscreen-Keyboard and also i have no keyboard attached.

If the user can use keyboard to type something i want to show a keyboard on my remote's display, so i need info if typing is allowed.

I'm not quite sure what it is you are after - do you want to know when XBMC is allowing direct keyboard access to the control versus where it's filtering everything through keymap.xml?

Is your script running in the background or something?
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okay, let me try to explain in detail:

My script is running in the background using XML-RPC to communicate with
my server application outside xbmc.

The server is also written in python and does the following:

To control xbmc the server manages communication RS232 <> XBMC
using the xbmc event client (so its also a client) to send commands to
xbmc. To allow bi-directional communication it can send request or handle
events coming from my script running in background of xbmc.

When media is played the "play"-Button on my remote changes to "stop" .
The same way i want to get to know if "real" keyboard input is required so
a small onscreen-keyboard can be shown up -i think you got me right.

By the way - another problem - i have already read of it somewhere else in
this forum is that if python script is running in background xbmc fails to exit, it just hangs.

But i am happy if you can help me with my first problem Big Grin
A state would have to be added that you can query in order to know this.

Add a feature request to trac.

If you want to look at coding something up, you'd add a state variable to the infomanager, then set that state variable whenever the fullscreen OSD is on screen, or whenever an edit control has focus.

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keyb = xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsVisible(virtualkeyboard)")
i can get the info if keyboard is visible (that was too easy) but for the edit
control focus i don't have a clue.
Before i make a feature request for this - has anybody an ideaHuh

@Jonathan: I really would like to code this myself, but first i have to get an
overview. Add this to the "List of Boolean Conditions" would be perfect - i think this is what you meant.
Big Grin
That's the basic idea, yes.
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How to find out if keyboard-Input is allowed.0