Differente modes of using XBMC in my family
Hi all,
I'm trying to get my girlfriend used to XBMC, but it seems that for the music part there are some... quirks! ^_^
My way of using XBMC Music library is: play entire albums, when I want to listen to a particular artist, i usually would like to listen to one of it's albums... so far.. straight simple way... my girlfriend would instead use it as a shuffler for all her songs, we have really different music tastes, thus i figured out to move all her music to a dedicated folder on the NAS and then added her folder as a music source, I would have expected that there could have be a way to tell XBMC to play all the music from that source (full of folders and subfolders and files), shuffling it.. but I can't see a simple way to play that source entirely...

I'm using XBMC Live (based on ubuntu 9.04), no mouse, just a bluetooth little keyboard.

Thank you for the help.
XBMC has support for different user profiles, so you can set her up as a seperate profile, add her music as the default source, scan it to the library and play it in the party shuffle.
Life's not too short, you're just dead for so long.

HP Pavilion m9500y
AMD Athlon64 x4 - 4gb RAM 4.5TB HDD RAID
Mac OS 10.6 - XBMC Dharma RC2
^_^ Thank you I will try it!

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Differente modes of using XBMC in my family0