TTF (True-Type) subtitle and GUI/Skin fonts
xbmc 1.0 beta is released now. i would like to know if there is any schedule when ttf (true type font) will be incorporated in xbmc.

just committed into cvs a change that supports true type fonts in skins. it should now be easier to support non-latin characters in the gui.

please refer to skinning.txt for instructions of how to this feature.

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only one word: wonderful!!!
thank you!! :bowdown:
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just added support for true type fonts in the skin/gui but not in subtitles. this is being taken care of by another dev.

ttf fonts dont look near as good on xbox as they do on pc
dont know exactly why but i suspect its because of the black surrounding
subs on tv and movies have a thicker black shadow

cant it be made so we can set the thickness ourselves?

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TTF (True-Type) subtitle and GUI/Skin fonts0