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I just received my Acer Revo 3610 with Windows 7 pre-installed. I would like to get rid of it and start over with a fresh install. I would like the primary function of the PC to be running XBMC networked to my normal office PC where I store my media content. As a secondary function I would like to be able to access the web, check email from it.

I have done some reading on installing Linux and there seems to be a lot of different ways to go. Full install, Mini install (Does this install the same as the full install only downloads what is needs for the specific install from the net) 32bit or 64bit.

My processor is an Atom 330 DC 1.66Ghz.

I would like to use Ubuntu 9.10 and XBMC 9.11. I am thinking that I can just download the minimal CD 64bit and install it then install XBMC. But I want to get started right so I thought I would ask up front.

If this isn't the proper area to be asking please forgive me.

If you want quick and easy, then start with a HDD install from the LIVE CD then just install Firefox.
Outside of live being any easy install is there an benifit to doing the full ubuntu install over the live? Is there anything about XBMC that utilizes the 64bit processing?


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