[Apple TV] Stuttering and Out of Sync video/audio
I am playing back an MP4 video on the ATV and it is out of sync with occasional stuttering/slow playback. Sometimes the video will stop and rebuffer which does not happen anywhere else on the ATV.

Typically I play rips of DVDs in the Video_TS format and not MP4


I am sure that it is something small as this video has worked fine a couple of times. I had to rebuild the ATV recently due to an issue with itunes sync so this is a reinstall of 9.04

I think that the MP4 might have been encoded at a rate that the ATV can't handle. I re-encoded it into an m4v file with default apple tv settings with handbrake and it works well now.

That said I am curious to know what the pastebin says.....if there is some optimization that I am missing.
08:05:44 T:52169216 M: 3125248 WARNING: Upscale: selected algorithm 1
08:05:45 T:2684407808 M: 21606400 NOTICE: Using GL_TEXTURE_2D
08:05:45 T:2684407808 M: 21622784 NOTICE: GL: Shaders support not present, falling back to SW mode

Turn off upscaling and pick a different renderer setting, you are renderering with software (SW) and that's very slow.
OK Thanks! What is the recommended renderer setting?

I don't have upscaling turned on that I am aware of.....would it try to upscale if I have the screen output set to 1080i?

Thanks for the help!

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[Apple TV] Stuttering and Out of Sync video/audio0