Resolutions issues (720p)

Today I decided to make a new clean install of xbmc (from the live image), I've been using the 9.04.1 release for a little while and today I installed 9.11.

The problem I'm having now with 9.11 is that xbmc doesn't give me an option to choose 720p or 1080i resolutions for my TV. I have no clue of what's causing this.

I currently use the built in gpu on the abit il90mv board with HDMI to the HDMI @ my TV. XBMC find the chip correctly.

There's two setting for HDMI in the BIOS and I'm using the 'normal' setting while the other is DVI.

If any information is missing just tell me and I'll try to find out.

any ideas for what could cause this?

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Resolutions issues (720p)0