Playback issue with 9.11
Im seeing a really annoying and weird playback issue after upgrading to 9.11. I usually have vblank sync enabled, and it worked fine for me in previous versions. But now for some reason i see 1-2 seconds of black frame every now and then during playback and in the menu. It happens about every 30-60 secs, but other than that the playback is completely smooth.
So i tried with vsync disabled, which made the black frames go away, but now playback and menus both have some 'glitchyness'. Dont know the technical word for it, but its like parts of a frame are lagging behind leading to vertical lines of separation (mostly happens in scenes that have motion).
OS: windows 7 x64.
Hardware: Pentium Dual Core @ 2.6 ghz , 3gb ram, intel gma 3100

debug log (with vsync enabled):

I stopped XBMC at the first point i saw the flicker, log is above.
I think this line might be relevant : CPullupCorrection: detected pattern of length 1: 41708.33 , I am seeing it consistently in logs that i let run longer.
Enabled the "Fake Fullscreen" setting and this is gone. Thanks for all the help Rolleyes

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Playback issue with 9.110