Maddening issue with .tbn/folder.jpg files - Only some are shown

I'm using 9.11, and I have movies in individual folders, each with an nfo file, folder.jpg, fanart.jpg, and <moviename>.tbn files.

The <moviename> is the same as the folder and as the movie file inside it (i.e., The Matrix/The Matrix.mkv - The Matrix/The Matrix.tbn).

The issue is that upon scanning, XBMC only shows the thumbnails for some, not all movies.

If I open the movie info and manually select a thumbnail, XBMC allows me to select "Local thumbnail" as an option, and then it does use the proper image... I'm hoping I don't have to perform this for all my movies Sad

Thanks in advance!
Hey, already buried in second page Sad

So, does anyone have any idea as to what I need to do so all thumbnails are shown?

If you're adding these files after the movie is already in XBMC's library, you'll need to refresh each movie. Currently there is no method of refreshing the entire library at once, but a common shortcut is to set content of the source to none to clear the db, then set it back to movies and it will reload with all of the new data.
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Nope, I did try clearing the library first, but no dice. I also removed all the thumbnails in the cache before doing this.
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Thanks. Meanwhile I just solved this by using movie.tbn instead, and it works perfectly now.

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Maddening issue with .tbn/folder.jpg files - Only some are shown0