Booting xbmc & running xlink
just downloaded xbmc 11-11-04. loaded ont f drive of xbox. i boot into slayer v2.6 select xbmc, boots in fine with rs feed across top from web. set xlink name & password. quit out. setup xlink on pc then run xlink engine. switch on xbox. it boots into slayer, select xbmc goes to boot, just get a black screen, left just in case needs time to boot, no. try and reboot a few times eventually will boot in.

what is causing the inconsistent booting, as if i dont run kai boots in every time.

once in select xlink select a game from the list comes up with insert disc, done that select system link cannot find any games.

tried loading a game off hdd cannot go back. the b & back do nothing. on a to cancel works.

major probs all round. need to get working as now bared from xbl

please help guys Confused
same issue with blank screen here as well 9 out of 10 when kai is running on my pc. when not running kai on my computer it always starts up fine. looking at the log files when trying to see if i did something wrong, it only mentioned loading the skin though.. then i found indeed kai was the problem here.
same problem here.. is there any way to fix this?
yes this is a problem for quite a few of us. no fix that i have heard of yet :hmm:
same problem here. after sucessfully playing an xlink game, i have to do a hard reboot before i can get back into xbmc. even then, sometimes i have to reboot a couple of times before it comes up.

i'm using 11/11/04 cvs build. i see an 11/14/04 build today that has some kai fixes. gonna try that now.

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Booting xbmc & running xlink0