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i see arena's with users, but after every user the icon "zzz" is shown. this stays the same for every user in every arena. when this is the case, i cannot play a system-link game because for example halo 2 does not see the system link games.

sometimes however i see the blocks that indicate the speed of a user. when this is the case everything is fine. i can play whoohoo!

but unfortunately most of the time the "zzz" icons are shown and i cannot play system link games. i use the latest build and my firewall forwards port 30000 udp just fine to my workstation that hosts xlink kai. in xlink kai config i set the port to 30000 and the deep-port also to 30000. does anyone know how i can get this connection stable?

problem still here. when i connect my xbox for the first time i see active users. after i reset xbox, users are all set to "zzz"
i didn´t have zzz yesterdaay, but today almost everyone is "zzz". changes on the server perhaps?
can´t see [ms] either
don't pay too much attention to zzz, the information provided by the kai engine is known to be unreliable in this respect, it has absolutely no bearing on playing/hosting games.  its just a visual cue to let you know who is running a kai client or not.

example: if we were both running xbmc kai and you could see me in the arena, there will be no zzz icon next to my name.  now, if i were to launch into my syslink game then you might see a zzz next to my name (as xbmc kai is no longer connected, and the way kai engine reports traffic is incorrectly reporting me as idle - although it has no effect on your online gaming experience).

one icon you should watch out for is the hosting icon; players hosting games will have a hosting icon (image of a house) next to them.  which means that once you load up your game and do a search for syslink games you should find them.  occasionally, this doesn't work, one or two reattempts cures it - i put this down to kai network routing issues.

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