[Linux] XBMClive installed on SSD?
Hi there .. actually im thinking about an SSD as System Drive for my htpc.
Im using xbmc-live wich is installed on a 2.5" 160GB Samsung Drive, wich is a little bit slow but silent ;-)
I dont know that much about ssd's so i have to ask: can i get any trouble or big problems using a ssd with linux?

What about "swap"? During a xbmc-live default installation there is always a swap partition created. But to minimize read/write actions for the ssd, it would make sense to deactive this, or? I have installed 4GB of DDR2 Ram, wich is plenty enough for this rig.

Finaly, what kind of improvement for boot-up / shutdown time i can expect?
Is it worth the work and the money? Or just a nice to have?
If you have enough ram, I'd say 1gb for a live system then swap isn't necessary. Just ignore the worning during installing (using advanced partitioning of course)

Linux is great with SSD's, just make sure if you have a newer one to add discard to your /etc/fstab file for all your ext4 partitions. (And use ext4 for all partitions on your SSD). This enables trim in you're on kernel 2.6.33 or higher (ubuntu 10.10 comes with 2.6.35 stock)

If you have a crappier/older SSD you wanna minimize writes as much as you can.
I'm quite new user of XBMC live dharma. I want buy new SSD HDD ( 32GB ) and make new XMBC instalation. Please can you post step-by-step instalation procedure, which secure no swap to HDD = maximum live time of HDD.


afaik xbmc live has a quite old kernel without trim support, so you have to upgrade the kernel or use a newer linux distrib. If you are not comfortable with settings things up yourself, openelec might be a good solution.

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[Linux] XBMClive installed on SSD?0