Ubuntu 10 Software Update :'(
Hey everyone,
So I had XBMC running great on Ubuntu 10 with my Acer Aspire Revo. I was even using my nettop as a device connected to my network, so it could communicate with my Windows 7 laptop and my OSX Snow Leopard workstation. But every time I booted up, Ubuntu reminded me about these so called "important updates". So I just said "well, if Ubuntu says I should have em, I'll download them". There were about 50 updates in total, and said update to every single one of them. BIG mistake! No

As soon as I rebooted, I got this screen...

I have no idea what this means or how to fix it? Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
It looks like something with the loader isn't right. I believe recent Ubuntu releases have an updated GRUB boot loader and it's possible that's what is causing problems for you. When you load up, does it say anything about chain-loading?
That's the only screen I see when I boot up.
No splash screen or anything? It just goes STRAIGHT to that? What if you try holding the shift key down, do you get a menu then?
No splash screen, it just goes straight to that and that's all the text I see..

I've tried holding the shift key down but it still goes straight to that screen.
It sounds like you boot loader (GRUB typically on Ubuntu) is hosed. You didn't mention it so I'm assuming you didn't make any bios changes at the same time (particularly related to HD settings) so if that's accurate, I'd do some [your search engine of choice here]ing about restoring GRUB. It will usually require booting from a Live CD/USB/SD

Here are some links that may help get you started:

Somewhere in there they updated the way they calculate UUID.

When grub comes up, edit it and change "root" to /dev/sda1 (if you only have 1 partition & disk)
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.

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Ubuntu 10 Software Update :'(0