[live] Cheap usb receiver with harmony one

I've searched through lots of threads here and done some general google work but I'm having trouble getting this working, so hoping that someone can help with my particular set up

I'm Running live Dharma release on a Revo 3700 and want to get my harmony one remote working.

I bought a cheap generic remote from ebay that came with a remote receiver - it's the same as the one described here


Out of the box with the supplied remote some of the functions just work, but linux is detecting it as a keyboard and mouse and I don't have things like a menu, title or info button.

When I run irw there are no events being picked up so I don't think lircd is seeing it as a remote at all

I've tried configuring it using the /dev/input/by-id device name as described here, when I do this the remote's behaviour doesn't change and when i try to run irw I get a "connection refused" message.

So now I'm stuck - I think what I need is to get lirc to recognise the receiver and then I can use one of the MCE profiles with my harmony remote to control XBMC, is this right and if so what can I try next to get the receiver working?

Edit to add

did dpkg-reconfigure lircd and changed it to use /dev/input/event3 and irw now sees events from the packaged remote, but not from my harmony remote, still not sure where to go next

Why not just program the remote using keyboard commands?
From one of the XBMC Threads:

"While searching for information regarding the Harmony remote and keymapping, i found a post on the Logitech forums. When inputting a new device using the logitech software and the manufacturer as microsoft, the model can be put in as MCE Keyboard. This doesn't show up in the menu, but is available when typed in. I then mapped the harmony keys to keyboard strokes within the Harmony software. "
You could also use the software to apply custom commands either by import or learning. I think you have overcomplicated the problem.
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Dobyken Wrote:Why not just program the remote using keyboard commands?
From one of the XBMC Threads:

"While searching for information regarding the Harmony remote and keymapping, i found a post on the Logitech forums. When inputting a new device using the logitech software and the manufacturer as microsoft, the model can be put in as MCE Keyboard. This doesn't show up in the menu, but is available when typed in. I then mapped the harmony keys to keyboard strokes within the Harmony software. "
You could also use the software to apply custom commands either by import or learning. I think you have overcomplicated the problem.

Thanks for the reply I just tried configuring my remote as a MCE keyboard but it doesn't work at all, I think probably you would need the matching ir reciever.

I think I'm going to try to teach all the buttons on the remote to the harmony and then create a custom key map to use them
so it seems that even if I teach my harmony remote the commands from the old remote they aren't being accepted by the receiver Sad

Think I may need to cut my losses and go buy a more compatible receiver


Just for the sake of completeness - editing to say that in the end I went out and spent £20 on a remote that had a MCE compatible remote receiver, which then pretty much worked out of the box.

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[live] Cheap usb receiver with harmony one0