I think it's incredibly difficult to get interaction between nas and XBMC up and running. I have a atv2 with jb and XBMC on. I have a QNAP TS-119 Turbo. I've tried to put a UPnP server and can see all my files in the setup. I choose a folder with movies and everything looks fine. when I get back to the video, I have:

video add-on
Add source
ReplayTV devices
twonkeymedia (nas)
Movies (my folder)

When I press on them, I only get:

"remote share

Network is not Connected"

I had counted on a wall of movies in video. What is it going wrong and why is it so hard. I come from a Popcorn Hour and an AC ryan, where everything is more black and white.

Please help


PS. How about a guide to xbmc and NAS setup
I think there are some guides somewhere on the forum, check the Stickies.

However the main thing is that you need to use SMB shares to your QNAP. I use these and they worksperfectly !
ATV2 4.2.1 - XBOX1's x 3 - HomePlugs x many - QNAP 209II Pro NAS - 120" Sony Projector
Add source, use smb share thats thats they key. You will not need to run twonky when you have xbmc.

Intel NUC Haswell D34010WYK | ATV2 | Logitech Harmony One | Onkyo TX-NR808 Receiver | QNAP 809 | APC Back-UPS RS 550
Sorry, I'm finding it a bit difficult to actually understand what exactly the problem is. So firstly, just to clarify:
When you say
Quote:I've tried to put a UPnP server and can see all my files in the setup
do you mean that you've set up the UPnP server on the NAS and you are able to see all of the files from another computer by browsing through UPnP. Or do you mean you've added the UPnP source to XBMC using the "add source" option, and whilst in the add source menu you can see all the folders (it shouldn't show you files within this menu, only folders)

To be honest you really want to use SMB shares rather than UPnP anyway if you want to take advantage of XBMC's library and scraping features.

From the description of the error message it really does sound like a network connection problem. Are you certain that you are connected? Can you see other features that require a network connection? Check the weather, and see if the RSS feed is scrolling on the main menu to quickly find this out. It's possible that you lost your network connection between setting up the shares and trying to use them

Here's links to a few guides and information that might help
General quick-start guide:
Information on network sharing protocols
Information on NASs
A "work in progress" PDF beginner's guide to XBMC:
I have the JB'd ATV2 and using a QNAP TS-410.

Add your sources using Windows SMB (and specify ID and pass when prompted) - works fine for me...
I have added an smb device onto my itv2 and so far xbmc is downloading movie information.
Trouble is If I select my added films directory I get remote share is not connected, but its downloading the movie information.
Slightly confused here?
I have added an smb device onto my itv2 and so far xbmc is downloading movie information.
Trouble is If I select my added films directory I get remote share is not connected, but its downloading the movie information.
Slightly confused here?

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