need help with macbook pro
my sister has a macbook pro and for some reason when i set it to hardware decode it studders. if i turn off hardware decode it plays ok. i put vlc on it and it played perfect with no issues. does anyone have any advice.
did you enable hardware deconding in vlc? you got to set this option by yourself, its not preset.
if it plays well without whats the problem? Wink
i did not set it in vlc. but i will see about doing it. and the issue is in xbmc there is still some issues. and i was wondering if any one else was having the issue. and if there is a possible fix for it.

I have a 2009 17" Macbook Pro and I have a stuttering problem when I use the GeForce 9400M graphics processor but when I switch to the 9600M graphics processor all the stuttering disappears. In my case, with or without hardware acceleration makes no difference. I also noticed that if I use the OS X DVD player of VLC there is no stuttering issue when using the 9400M. I also have a 2009 MacMini and I don't have the stuttering issue using its 9400M.

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