[Download] Movie renamer
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Hey chaps,

I've developed a small application which does the following:

-Renames your existing movies and adds the following info:
-Media (bluray / dvd)
-Sound Channels
-Audio Codec
-Recursively scans directories
-Renames moviename-fanart.jpg and moviename.tbn aswel Smile

It does it in such a way that current builds of XBMC will detect appropraite information Smile

IMPORTANT: When entering the movie name, make sure you strip out any existing tags, as they will be left where they are.

No guarantees with this!

Just got a question about that, what about DVD Folders? (VIDEO_TS.ifo) will tags work for them too?
<scratch>not supported atm. please skip dvd files</scratch>

infact... i've not tested it. I certainly haven't put a filter in for DVD files, and i've not tested the mediainfo.dll with dvd files.... give it ago Smile
I see in another thread here, that djh is working on getting movie info directly from the .nfo. He showed a screenshot where it works.

The .nfo video info is populated from MIP.

Wouldn't it be better to wait for that update, before renaming all your files?

But, thanks for your work!
Most likley! But this is something I did the other day, thought i'd share Smile

the info for the studio already comes out of the NFO, so if you cannot wait, this will make your tags work =)
Nice one I will give this a play.
Well as I never used MIP until now and relied on Media Companion, this is a nice tool.
But I'm gonna give MIP a go as well but only if it manages to import all my movies from the existing nfo files.

Maybe you could extend your program to write the tags into the nfo directly. Shouldn't be too difficult, as it's XML based.
Maybe you could even adjust your program in that way that you can choose whether to put the tags in the filename or in the nfo file (or even both) so that everyone can have it the way he likes.
thats a pretty good idea. i'll look into that at lunch!
Thanks a lot.
I would do it myself but I'm at work atm and you already got the base application.
do you know what the tag names are for resolution / audio codec / channels / resolution / media type in the NFO file?
<duration>1mn 1s 166ms</duration>
<bitrate>7 231 Kbps</bitrate>
<bitratemode />
<bitratemax />
<codecidinfo />
<language />
<bitrate>1 536 Kbps</bitrate>

Thats a sample
cheers! i'll get this done at lunch and hopefully post up a new version tonight.. or earlier if i get it done Wink
Check this post from fekker:


He somehow puts it in the <credits> or <votes> tags. Don't ask me why maybe these are almost never used and he didn't wanna add new ones.

But what mYre provides looks much better.
would be great Smile maybe you can test if dvd files are checked too? i can't right now because i'm at work^^ would be awesome

Btw mYre where did you get that XML structure from?
Is this an official suggestion how it will be intregrated in XMBC as a whole?

Because as far as I understand what fekker proposed is just some special way to do it for Aeon atm because it isn't supported by XMBC yet.

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[Download] Movie renamer0