video thumbnails
As a newcomer to the xbmc world, I have a basic question. I tried to create video thumbnails following It does create the tbn files. But all I see just a picture not a video. I thought this is supposed to give a video preview like what I saw in PS3. I increased the time to capture to even higher like 30 seconds instead of the example there of 0.001. But it still gives only like jpeg and not a animated thumnail. Am I missing anything?
I think you've misread the article. Its about creating video "thumbnails". Currently XBMC does not support video previews .. patch welcome Wink
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That title... I can see how he got confused. I mean I know it mentions jpeg a few times but the TITLE is definately misleading.

If I had no prior knowledge of xbmc I would also think "HOW-TO create video-preview thumbnails" means it will create a thumbnail that is a video preview.

Maybe the title should be changed to HOW-TO manually create thumbnails for your videos.
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thansk guys for the quick response. I appreciate it.

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