Medion X10 Remote With Win32 Build
all works as last verion except xbmc does not auto atart with remote app
Sorry to drag this up but i cannot get this working using the irss I have used the x10 irssmap.xml file (renamed it) and have irss detecting button presses in translator but the only buttons working ate the directional ones which i think are automaticly mapped to the keyboard directions from x10 drivers. I have translator running before I start xbmc.
if you're using IRSSmap.xml, you do not need another app to convert the remote buttons into keyboard buttons.
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I dont have any other program running but it seems to just be part of the drivers?
this is a stand alone app. no other software except xbmc required.
at the moment it dosent work with the atlantis builds of xbmc only versions before.

also its still in development with a few bugs and new features such as custom button assigning to be added.

im sure dav. will update as soon as a stable atlantis build is finalized
I belive the remote works using irss though in atlantis edition?
Hi All,

You're right Rudboyx, and good news, a new version will be avaible soon &
fully operational with Atlantis 3 & 4 Wink

Stevent, as kraqh3d said, it's a stand alone application.
X10-BMC do not use IRSS.

I'm still working on configurable buttons & I have only 1 problem for the
moment. When XBMC window have the focus, some pressed button give bugs.
I'm still waiting a word from XBMC developpers with my trac ticket here

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Medion X10 Remote With Win32 Build0