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Booting Linux in a f16ref board with AMLOGIC 8736-M3 processor
Just did, just let us know when we can checkout the 3.0.x kernel Wink
tried to set up the tftp-hpa but keep getting timeouts.
do I need any special setting for the m3 ?

I have installe tftp-hpa
changed the tftpboot dir to /var/tftpboot
chown nobody nouser /var/tftpboot
service restart tftpd-hpa

Downloading the uImage through tftp client on other linux box or windows box works.

set ipaddr
set serverip
set gatewayip
set bootargs 'root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot= rootwait init=/sbin/init console=ttyS0,115200n81 nohlt a9_clk=600M clk81=18750000 mem=1024m'

MAC address is 00:01:02:65:04:75
Using Apollo EMAC device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'uImage'.
Load address: 0x82000000
Loading: T #T T T T T T T T #T
Retry count exceeded; starting again

Will try a cross cable and dumb switch ( my cisco is running in dumb mode at this moment) this evening, also have a gbox from j1nx to check if the bluem3 has an issue with uboot and tftp

any other ideas ?[/code]
For some reason I always had to to do a
sudo service tftpd-hpa restart
everytime I booted my Ubuntu box to avoid this.
my prayer Smile

- Setup TFTP Server
sudo apt-get install tftpd-hpa
check /etc/default/tftpd-hpa for TFTP_OPTIONS="-s" or TFTP_OPTIONS="--secure", add it if not
sudo /etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa restart
sudo restart tftpd-hpa

sudo cp output/images/uImage /var/lib/tftpboot/uImage-m3

# in m3 console
setenv serverip
setenv gatewayip
setenv ipaddr
setenv temp logo=osd1,${loadlogoaddr},full,${outputmode},full androidboot.resolution=720p resolution_size=1280,720
setenv temp1 nohltmem=${memsize} mac=${ethaddr}
setenv bootargs rw noinitrd root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=,nfsvers=3 init=/sbin/init ip= console=ttyS0,115200 a9_clk=800M clk81=187500k ${temp1} ${temp}

nand read logo ${loadlogoaddr} ${logo_start} ${logo_size}
tftpboot 0x82000000 uImage-m3;bootm 0x82000000
just tested the gbox from j1nx and you guess what, it worked immediatly :O

I still need to digg up my dumb switch and try if that helps, however all is pointing at uboot at this moment for me.

my box is the blue m3 from blue times

any ideas ?
Hmmm, whatever...... I want it back!
Before or after I fix your uartTongue

These crappy chinese uart plugs for on your board come off too easy.

I resolder it for you again. If you have more boxes that need uart fix bring them and I solder it for you
pivos uart plugs never come off Smile
LOL Big Grin
Hi guys,
am a newbie here and would like to ask a question on how to get started with stb programming especially in light to changing my stb OS....i like xbmc and would like to run it on the IP box.
I have a box that runs linux and here are a couple of specs I have noted by connecting to it.

/ # grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 170724 kB

/ # uname -a
Linux (none) #2 PREEMPT Wed Feb 29 01:29:15 EST 2012 mips GNU/Linux

/ # head -n1 /etc/issue
head: /etc/issue: No such file or directory

/ # cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name

31 0 130048 mtdblock0
31 1 1024 mtdblock1

How would I tweek it to install android OS or rather so that i run xbmc on it.
Alex, I admire your courage. But if you need to ask what to tweak, then it is out of your reach to do it.

Pick a smaller project to start the learning process and come back if you know what it takes.

Hint: Try to find the kernel sources for your box and compile a custom kernel for it. If you get that done including the cross-compiling and flashing etc, you already have learned one of the steps.

Make use of Google A LOT and don't give up. If it was easy they would have done it them self Wink

thanks alot ur advice is most welcome @j1nx...for sure i'll be on it...hope my hair wont turn white will getting to the grind Smile
Oh, but it will turn white. Just before you pull out most of it. That's for sure Big Grin
Finally got the time to finish looking into expanding userdata in linux builds by recovering space from the nftl partition used for emmc/internal sdcard storage in Android.

Disabling CONFIG_AML_NFTL in the kernel config (G-Box 2.2), results in a userdata partition of around 3.2GB. After the partition sizes are set by the kernel board file, u-boot shows the same partition sizes set by the kernel across reboots, power cycles, etc. Even though the recovery kernel still had an NFTL_Part configured during recovery boot, the system still functioned with no problems for quite some time, even after userdata had more than the original 512MB used. But I was concerned with potential data loss or other issues resulting from the partitions in recovery not matching those in the build.

In order to eliminate the potential issue with recovery, I built an updated CWM- recovery image (props to mattburris for the model he provided) without the NFTL partition, so now everything matches (u-boot, recovery, full build). The CWM backup/restore function appears to work quite well, although some additional testing is needed for verification.

A full wipe and install of the original software will return partitions and functionality to their original Android configuration.

Upcoming activities (when I get a little time) will be additional testing, clean-up and features for CWM, and looking into adding a "Reboot recovery" option to the xbmc power management dialog to allow direct rebooting into recovery for backup/restores. Will report back as things progress.
Sounds very good. So basically my concerns about the "return to Android" were not valid.

Are you are going to push that to your repo?
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Booting Linux in a f16ref board with AMLOGIC 8736-M3 processor1