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Absolutely awesome skin!

I've run into one issue that no one else has mentioned and I'm seeing it on 2 machines. The transport pop-up bar (Play, Pause, FF, RW, Next, Previous, etc) in music and video playback doesn't do anything when the buttons are clicked. Also, the "icon" on the transport button disappears when the button has focus.

A small request: as somone else mentioned the home screen backdrop transistions seem a little abrupt. A subtle cross-fade would be a welcome addition IMO.

Thanks for the wonderful work -- Steve
All seems to be fine and I must say I'm loving the speed while keeping the quality. You've done a great job of pruning whats not needed while keeping it looking great and adding some great new things. Not easy.

Just one small bug to report. Fanart does not seem to be working in TV at Episode level. Once drilled down to episodes True Blood comes back even when Fanart is chosen for Backgrounds.
Plz, any idea about my fanarts problem ? Thx.
this is what i am not looking forward to with my skin its almost time to go through the find in files mode and delete some unused textures i would like to trim it down a good 30mb good luck Marcos
shorty12 Wrote:First of all thanks for this great skin. I love it!

But I have a question. Is it possible to use a bigger font for the plot? I know that you can choose "large" as an option for the font but preferably I would like the plot to be the only element with a larger font. I don't know if this is important but I use the Multiplex view. Any kind of help is appreciated.

I have somehow managed to solve this issue but now I have noticed that the plot doesn't scroll in the fullscreen info view. Is there a way to fix this?
Another small thing is that in the Multiplex view the year is positioned a little too high. Maybe someone could fix these two things. Would be greatly appreciated. I tried to do it myself but I don't really have a clueSad
shorty12 Wrote:I have somehow managed to solve this issue but now I have noticed that the plot doesn't scroll in the fullscreen info view. Is there a way to fix this?

I've noticed this as well, it would be good if this could be fixed.
cant seem to find way to add nas drive when importing content. only gives me c drive and home folder.....help
cdw2929 Wrote:cant seem to find way to add nas drive when importing content. only gives me c drive and home folder.....help
never mind found it
Can anyone tell me if there is a theme that matches the dark floor or lowlist colours...
Just noticed that when Visualisation is disabled the Screen in Music Visualisation
is black. I know there are options to choose Artist Fanart. It would be nice while playing Music to get the path of Random Backgrounds used in Music Home Menu as default in Music Visualisation.
Amazing skin
it does everything I want it to, thanks!

I have a few small problems though
when playing a movie and switching back to the main menu, I like to still have the movie playing behind it, The skin does indeed do this, but the backgrounds still show in the spaces above and below the letterboxed movie, which looks a bit ugly. Would it be possible to have this appear plain black as other skins do? Is there a setting that fixes this that I might have missed?

The are also some issues with text overlapping each other when using low list
and in Music using low list with icons for each list item ends up with the movie icons overlapping with the "minutes" text.
alexkay Wrote:Plz, any idea about my fanarts problem ? Thx.

There is no problem with fanart (except at Episode level it seems). If your not seeing it at all you haven't chose the correct option in the side menu or you need to reinstall.
Where is the installed theme folder located? (there is no in \addons) I want to replace fonts to Aeon Cyrilllic to support russian letters
I can't seem to enable the 'delete files' option in the settings. Anyone else unable to select that option, too?
sergiocos Wrote:This mod might have a bright future if the only purpose will be SPEED. There are a lot of people with atom setups which looks with envy at the Aeon skin. @MarcosQui: If you manage to optimize it instead of listen to everyone telling you what to add, and what is needed, then this will be the perfect skin, and not a replica. This skin might became Aeon65 thinner and faster brother.

I appreciate your words and say they intend to follow his advice, however, the skin is not just focused on speed, beauty and resources are also crucial.

To all, Please make it clear that reducing the final size of 30/40MB not leave her skin lighter. Despite the large navigational flows well, the speed of skin is not directly related to size, not therein lies the secret. Wink

I would to apologize if sometimes I do not answer the questions, is that many things to do at the same time, it becomes difficult.

News: In the next few minutes will be available in the repository to version 2.1.0.
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