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[RELEASE] Rdio Music Addon
Yay!... Smile
Thank you ampedandwired!

Two questions, when you have a sec:

1. So does the solution take into account the key-generating algorithm? In other words, is the fix likely to survive at least a little while?
2. Where can we donate? This is great work and is well deserving of beer/milk money. Your choice which.
Hi buzzyapyear.

Although I said the key is now generated by an algorithm, it is still essentially a hard coded value in the Rdio flash player. The "algorithm" is there purely for obfuscation purposes. I just figured out the output of the "algorithm" and used this as a static value in the plugin. So the fix will survive until the next time that Rdio choose to update the key. Hopefully next time it will be quicker to figure out though. In the meantime I'm trying to get in touch with the Rdio guys to find a more sustainable/reliable way of doing this.

If you enjoy the plugin you can make a donation at Pledgie Smile
WOW nice update
Finally sees my playlists but
when I click on a song it does nothing

see the log below maybe its a minor tweak


BTW I am on ATV2 Frodo RC3

There is a known issue with playback on Frodo. Until these are resolved you need to follow the instructions here: https://github.com/ampedandwired/rdio-xb...o-playback
Excellent thanks!

Tomahawk looks great too I'm going to try it out Rofl
you my friend are a genius
Works great now on ATV2
Thank you
Thanks amped. Latest update in combination with the fix posted for Frodo has me up and running again.
Good to hear. FYI, the Frodo workaround will not be required with Frodo final, as a fix has been made directly in XBMC core.
Hi, having problems getting rdio to work, getting the error
ERROR: Error Contents: RdioProtocolException 401: <h1>401 Invalid Signature</h1>

I am using 1.7.0 on Eden.

Here is the full log:


This can happen if your stored access credentials are old or stale. Try using the "Reauthenticate" option on the first screen of the plugin.
Thank you! I believe I had entered the wrong "secret" api key.

The app works now, but errors out when I select Top Playlist. Error is:
9:51:55 T:4492 INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
19:51:55 T:4492 ERROR: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
19:51:55 T:4492 ERROR: Error Contents: ('icon',)

Full error here:

Appreciate your help.
That's a bug. I just pushed a fix - should work if you update your plugin.
I was having issues with the Rdio pluging that continued with the stable Frodo release. I was getting script errors, but that was fixed (along with other issues I was having with other plugins and services) with a complete reinstall. However, I wanted to point out that I wasn't able to get Rdio fully working until I did the workaround that stable Frodo was supposed to fix. Just wanted to throw that out there, but I'm sure glad I'm up and running again!
I have one feature request, that maybe already exists or maybe it can't be done. Is it possible to export the stream files into the XBMC music library? It exists for the Hulu and Amazon Prime plugins for tv and movies, and I really love having the streams merge into my library so it's all in one spot.
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[RELEASE] Rdio Music Addon2