Unable to download IMDB Plugin
chrissi323 Wrote:Seems my problem is not related to the download itself. It seems something got messed up in my .xbmc directory during the update. If I start with a clean .xbmc directory everything s working as expected and I can select IMDB as my scraper.

I'd like to avoid starting from scratch, is there a way to completly clean and reinstall the IMDB-Addon? Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

I have the same problem and am unable to uninstall the addon to reinstall it Sad
Found an alternative solution for that, now that i get imdb addon ok.

t´s easy to re-enable imdb addon 2.3.2 if you do this...
Delete your Addon.db, Addon15.db or something Addon*.db located in
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\ Database

Next time you start xbmc and then open imdb repository, it should be ok.
That solved it, thanks alot Riksa!
Big Grin

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Unable to download IMDB Plugin0