scam in my area?
Doesn't matter, how did the "lawyer" contact you?
Just a warning to the community I know xbmc and android is open-source but don't get involved in dealings with ##### I thought buying local for safety guess not
Meh, just ignore them. If it goes worse, go to the police and sue them because of harassment.
First sign of an issue with them is that they charge for access to their support forums....
Lol he is a one man show but does have a website and forum
(2012-11-12, 17:01)stoli Wrote: First sign of an issue with them is that they charge for access to their support forums....

Yes but was in contact via kijiji, the site is an old fta site really
"copyright integration of his firmware and xbmc", hahaha, that's a new one.

There is no such copyright however there is an XBMC GPL requirement that he provide source code to this XBMC that he provides. Smile

Have Walmart contact us, we will set them straight...
We I think I stated this if not I should have he claims he has a 10 000 000 agreement with xbmc
that's strange, as a member of the xbmc board of directors, we have never hear of this clown. If he is claiming any such agreements with XBMC Foundation, then perhaps we need to get our lawyers involved.
So Wal-Mart has agreed to carry this box and this gigantic retailer has decided to get involved in an issue where a person changed the software on the unit. That action is claimed to be in violation of some unheard of copyright.

This thread is almost comical.
Lol well the warning for everyone here now. The site also claims its the only true plug and play xbmc box
oh please please let's sue him Big Grin

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