[HOWTO] Permanently fix your remote so that it is handled by LIRC
(2013-02-09, 15:22)negge Wrote: The fix has always been to run "echo none + lirc > /sys/class/rc/rc0/protocols", either manually or at boot.

I'm running 12.04 LTS and I've got an iMon device where the keys appear to be handled by the kernel (i.e. XBMC in debug mode shows the remote control keys as coming from the keyboard).

I tried

echo none + lirc > /sys/class/rc/rc0/protocols

but that seems to make no difference as the keys still come from the keyboard and not the remote. Should this technique work in 12.04?

Edit: was able to get it working via the linux-input-layer described in this HOW-TO guide

(2013-02-15, 00:16)negge Wrote:
(2013-02-11, 07:21)FishOil Wrote:
(2013-02-10, 23:31)negge Wrote: @FishOil: if you posess magic wisdom that makes every button on any remote do anything you want, without editing a single .xml file (hint: you don't) then share it with the rest of us


Since you want to put words in my mouth (post) feel free to have at it.

I didn't mean to sound harsh, it's just that people are clearly having problems with LIRC and remotes in general so when you say it's a walk in the park on every device out there it's kinda hard to believe.

Well, since this thread got dug up again. Here is your magic walk in the park.

Use Any IR Remote In The House
@FishOil: While your guide is very nice, I don't really see how it relates to this. This is about handing over control of a remote to LIRC instead of having the kernel do the job (which is less flexible), not about starting from scratch.
(2013-10-02, 23:07)negge Wrote: @FishOil: While your guide is very nice, I don't really see how it relates to this. This is about handing over control of a remote to LIRC instead of having the kernel do the job (which is less flexible), not about starting from scratch.


It does EXACTLY what you wanted and what you told me was hard to believe. There is NOTHING less flexible about it. I provided a simple comprehensive way to have LIRC make ANY IR remote you can find do EXACTLY what an XBMC remote is supposed to do.
It's not exactly what I'm trying to accomplish here, like I already explained this is about making a fully out-of-the-box thing work a bit better by allowing LIRC to handle the remote instead of the kernel. If you have a remote that is already supported by LIRC there is no need to use your guide in order to make it work since all the buttons are already mapped.
(2013-02-09, 15:22)negge Wrote: @FishOil: Well, every remote is different. The MCE remote kinda works out of the box (you just plug it in and you can do simple stuff like use the arrow keys), but in order to use all the keys you'll need LIRC. This is naturally as simple as apt-get install lirc, although in this particular case the kernel is messing with it which necessitates the hack I just described. AFAIK this is the only way to make it work, so please, if you posess magic wisdom that makes every button on any remote do anything you want, without editing a single .xml file (hint: you don't) then share it with the rest of us (preferably on the wiki).

You said "it kinda works" & "simple stuff like arrow keys" & "but in order to use all the keys you'll need LIRC" & "this is the only way to make it work"

Then you said

"if you posess magic wisdom that makes every button on any remote do anything you want"

Well.................I gave you the "MAGIC" to make ANY IR remote work with LIRC.

You're Welcome. Take it or leave it. Wink
Whatever, I believe you.
Have you tried this:

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc

and picking "windows remotes" from the selection?
@blm14: I believe you still need this hack.
Are you still running ancient 2.6 kernels? There is no reason not to be using LIRC for remotes... I have installed XBMC fresh on no fewer than 18 machines in the past year, all of them on different hardware, and all of them with remotes, and I only once had to do anything with ~/.xbmc/keymappings and I never had to do this hack
The whole point of this is to make use of LIRC instead of having the kernel handle the remote. I guess you have only used remotes that the kernel doesn't handle, and thus LIRC gets used automatically.
The whole point of LIRC is to not have to rely upon depmodding drivers into the kernel. I still don't understand why you don't just use LIRC?
What have I written that makes you think I don't "use LIRC"? This is exactly about using LIRC, not anything else.
(2013-02-14, 20:16)uNiversal Wrote: If the solution exists on Forums I dont mind writing the wiki docs, its about time ppl use the wiki to document stuff and not forums anyway, it gets buried and lost + the wiki you can create a linkback to forums post as a discussion on it, since wiki is not meant for discussions anyway.

HowTos/tutorials, etc should be moved to the Wiki and maintained/updated as and when.
Forums are for discussing things outside of that Wiki (or for discussing changes to the Wiki content).

I don't want to sound ungrateful, simply that I find:
  • information located in several different places
  • information posted as a how-to here becomes subject to a long discussion that drags the original tutorial off-track
  • information here needs to be stickied, meaning older tutorials conceal recent discussions

The whole caboodle is crying out for some decent information management, some central team that's keeping tabs on how often info gets updated and when/where. Without this, plenty of valuable information is being submerged (which has the effect of causing more forum posts asking about the same information), which detracts value from the original submitted tutorial in the first place.
(2013-02-09, 22:02)FishOil Wrote: You people are unbelievable.
I have yet to find a ir remote I cant make work in 15 min. ANY button ANY function.
Do I have to make a "HOW TO" on "how to get ANY ir remote working in 15 min or less?"
Its not rocket science people and it has NOTHING to do with keyboard.xml
I'm afraid I'm with negge on this one.

I've got a remote that "just works" but when I came to remap the buttons, it seems entries in remote.xml/keyboard.xml/Lircmap.xml weren't parsed. I have a custom keyfile that I took from my pi that used Lirc, but irw didn't show anything on XBMCbuntu - I was a victim of the "Changes to Linux IR".

I even posted this as a feature request - remapping remote keys shouldn't be as painful as editing XML files, it should be something doable from the System/Settings screen (although granted it probably only needs to be done once or twice so doesn't really warrant its own control setting)

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[HOWTO] Permanently fix your remote so that it is handled by LIRC0