Graphics artifacts on Intel GPU

This is it !!!

I ran the command you suggested and it completed without a hitch.

I played the movie clip you sent me and the CPU utilization went from 50% before down to 9-10% - so the GPU must be doing it's job.

The picture is perfect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more artifacts no more pixalation - nothing.
But, I can no longer run the XBMC log updater plugin to post the results. it stops with a message ''
I uninstalled it and reinstalled the plugin - same issue. But, I don;t care no more - your suggestion fixed my initial problem.

Frankly, a simple 'Thank You' doesn't fully express my gratitude but hey, THANK YOU !!!
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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Graphics artifacts on Intel GPU0