File manager multi-task features like background tasks like file copying and moving?
and you can develop this feature on any platform - xbox, linux, win32. doesnt matter.
Is there anyway a developer can do this? It doesnt sound very hard as you developers say that background codes are already in use. Please somebody help me with this....
Have you read any of the replies from the developers? They have said its not a big priority for them. They have also stated that if you want it you can add it. Continually bumping this thread with the same question isnt going to help you.
Hi I know my way around XBMC but am not that good at coding. Ill have a look into this can anyone help me..... as Im not very fast at this, but have managed to do quite a bit of other things with enough work.
BritneysPAIRS maybe we can work together on this..
Simply it's a really good idea.
Backgroud threads for low priority works is a fantastic idea that can save much time to anyone.
ill look at the code this week... ive looked at it a little but will have time to look at all the code and understand the challenge in a day or 2. MSN me if you want to help. Cheers
imagine being able to minimize the progress bar while downloading a new version of T3CH.

BritneysPAIRS Wrote:ill look at the code this week... ive looked at it a little but will have time to look at all the code and understand the challenge in a day or 2
You might want to look at (or at lest read up on) OpenMP as well in regards to threading
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Would this solve the pauses related to visualizations switching & music playback?

first of all, openmp is certainly not supported on the xbox. and openmp is used to split one task over several cores/cpu's, it wouldnt do any good here.
Hi ill take a proper look at this... this week as ill have time cheers, ill get back with issues or progress.
It would be great if I can continue using the File Manager when I'm transferring files. It sucks just sitting there waiting for multiple files to transfer, and not being able to go about XBMC.

Also, it would be nice if there was a transfer queue. Meaning, I can add files to be transferred to one folder, browse some more, then add some more files to be transferred to other folders, etc... Then say 'transfer files from queue', and it would transfer all the files I selected to their respective destinations.

any luck?
I'm thinking people lost interest in this project... oh well, it would have been a great feature.

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File manager multi-task features like background tasks like file copying and moving?2