Audio dropouts and skipping/juddering frames
I have the same problem (I think its the same as the above) I have my movies (mkv 720p files) on a USB2 drive and it plays smooth and nice for a couple of minutes and the CPU usage is around 40-60%.
Then it suddenly spikes up to 140% CPU usage and the autio and video starts to flicker and it doesn't seem to stop either, once stuck always stuck.

I have tried:
MacBook Pro connected to projector - happened
MacBook Pro not connected to proj, played movie on the internal screen - happened
iMac Alu not connected to proj - doesn't seem to happen (?)

Tried with alot of different movies and it doesn't seem to be any different.

Any thoughts on whatI should do? Anything you want me to test? I really love osxbmc and would love to use it on my MBP togehter with my projextor Smile
Hmm that doent sound like my problem, I can watch a whole movie with good video, for me it is only the sound that has dropouts!
Evol Wrote:Hmm that doent sound like my problem, I can watch a whole movie with good video, for me it is only the sound that has dropouts!

I watched a 720p rip of Assassination of Jesse James the other night and the only problem I did see was audio drop outs as you described. I'm trying to watch more movies so that I can get a feel for what has problems and what doesn't... I'll try and produce some logs when it happens next time.
heronnu Wrote:I have the same problem (I think its the same as the above) I have my movies (mkv 720p files) on a USB2 drive and it plays smooth and nice for a couple of minutes and the CPU usage is around 40-60%.
Then it suddenly spikes up to 140% CPU usage and the autio and video starts to flicker and it doesn't seem to stop either, once stuck always stuck.

I have tried:
MacBook Pro connected to projector - happened
MacBook Pro not connected to proj, played movie on the internal screen - happened
iMac Alu not connected to proj - doesn't seem to happen (?)

Tried with alot of different movies and it doesn't seem to be any different.

Is XBMC using the whole 140% CPU or is another program stepping in and eating it in the background? How comfortable are you with turning ssh on and using terminal commands?
Quote:Is XBMC using the whole 140% CPU or is another program stepping in and eating it in the background? How comfortable are you with turning ssh on and using terminal commands?

It's XBMC that goes crazy and hogs all the cpu. If I pause the movie it goes down, start again and it goes up in the air again. Weird part is that it happend on different occations, If I'm lucky I can play the same movie for one hour without the problem and sometimes only 5 minutes.
The only way to get it back to normal is to restart the computer (I think log out and back in again wotks too). If I only quit XBMC and start it again it starts off with 140% as soon as I start playing the move (or any movie)

I'm not very good on using terminal sorry Sad

p.S Off topic: Why can't I see my own posts in the thread when I'm logged in? it's weird, if I'm logged out I can see them :p
Looks like you should open a bug report with some information. First get the log contents of /var/tmp/xbmc.log and put it on You can get this log by going opening "" in Utilities folder. Click Show log list.

You can open a new ticket here make sure to include your E-mail address so we can contact you for more info I'd also suggest you include your system specs (model, Memory, CPU, etc.)
iordonez Wrote:Looks like you should open a bug report with some information. First get the log contents of /var/tmp/xbmc.log and put it on You can get this log by going opening "" in Utilities folder. Click Show log list.

Sorry that log won't show up in console you will have to open terminal and run the following command:

cp /var/tmp/xbmc.log ~/Desktop/xbmc.log

This will put a copy of xbmc.log on your desktop allowing you to open in text edit, etc. and paste onto pastie.
I tried to upload it at pastie but it was too big aparently Tongue You can download it at the link below if you want.

I have also created a ticket. The weird part is that it only seems to happen on my MacBook Pro, I've tried a mac mini today and it didn't have any problems with it, and as mentioned before my iMac doesn't seem to have the problem either.

I hope the logfile will tell you something, I'd be very happy if you can see what problem my macbook pro have with xbmc Smile

Great I cleaned up your ticket a little and attached the logfile to the bug ticket. You should get E-mail notifications of any changes to your ticket or if the developers need anything more.
heronnu I was looking through your log file and I can see that you have lots of logs with: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuty - was:726302904.227286, should be:726285879.375287, error:-17024.851999.

I have exactly the same logs in my log files after watching a movie which may be the cause of the audio dropouts.
Evol Wrote:heronnu I was looking through your log file and I can see that you have lots of logs with: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuty - was:726302904.227286, should be:726285879.375287, error:-17024.851999.

I have exactly the same logs in my log files after watching a movie which may be the cause of the audio dropouts.

Yeah, I'm a total n00b on log files but I could see lots of errors at the time around 22:46:xx and it's was there it xbmc started to go wild and hog all the cpu.
I have played that whole movie on the mac mini and I didn't get the problem (haven't checked the log-file on the mac mini though)
Update: I checked the mac minis log file and I could notice occational "T:2961989632 M: 15843328 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuty - was:307768585.179000, should be:326264059.911621, error:18495474.732621" strings but nothing like the one on the macbook pro. I guess the writing of 10-20 lines per second in the logfile with errors are causing the cpu usage to spike alongside the movie playback.
Another update, I have done a process sample during the high cpu usage and pasted it on pastie

I dunno how to add comments to the ticket so I hope you can help me with that.
Sorry for spamming Tongue But it seems like pastie didn't get all the text from the sample (I bet pastie doesn't like me)
So to watch the whole file, check this link:

I attached process sample to your ticket.

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Audio dropouts and skipping/juddering frames0