Mythtv *on* the xbmc machine (with Intrepid)
rickx Wrote:-are you using built-in plugin or something else?
-Did you try mythbox?
-is the "second" your default tuner - the one that starts with mythfrontend?

assuming your reply was to me:
-i am using the built-in plugin
-mythbox ? what do you mean ? myth wiki says that mythbox is a computer (box) with mythtv installed (see )
-only channels from the first tuner (which is the not default one) are shown in xbmc.

erez Wrote:assuming your reply was to me:

-mythbox ? what do you mean ? myth wiki says that mythbox is a computer (box) with mythtv installed (see )


Yes, assuming right Laugh
No, mythbox is (also) something else
rodercot Wrote:What do you need help with on Suspend. What is it doing and not doing...

I can supply some of those scripts if you think they will help you out.


I can't actually get my machine to suspend at all - it just goes to a blank screen with a flashing cursor and becomes totally non-responsive to keyboard/mouse/remote input (needs a hard reboot at this point). Video output isn't actually killed and the power and cpu fans keep spinning. There actually sounds like a momentary dip in the fan speeds when this happens so I'm not sure if it's actually suspending then immediately resuming but not resuming video correctly or not going in to S3 state at all. I think it's the latter though...

I tried mythbuntu 8.04 & 8.10 live cd's and xbmc live 8.10 cd and the mythbuntu ones both suspended ok but resumed with blank video (can't remember offhand what the xbmc live cd did). I think with the appropriate tweaks, a base mythbuntu 8.04 or 8.10 install would resume video ok too.

I have a spare hard drive which I have installed mythbuntu 8.04 on (the uneven core usage in 8.10 is annoying me) so I'm going to try and get suspend/resume working on that before installing the latest nvidia driver, upgrading alsa, installing xbmc etc and make changes one at a time to see where the problem gets introduced. From some searching I've done, I suspect it may be lirc related.

I'll finish trying this first to see if I can get a base install suspending/resuming then start a new thread (and pm yourself) to ask for help if I'm still stuck, as I think I'm getting a bit off topic from rickx's original request...

rickx Wrote:No, mythbox is (also) something else


with the mythbox script i see all channels.
but i can't watch anything ... (live or recording)

i get a "Exception: can't find recording 123_200903.....mpg"
I'm just guessing, when I had such errors it was
- access rights on the folder where mpgs are stored - make sure both user (mythtv usually) and group have rw rights. If processes run as different user, make that user part of mythtv group after the step above.
- messed up database containing actually not (no more) existing mpg entries. In that case best bet is dropping all the tables from the mythconverg db (through phpmyadmin) and letting mythtvfrontend (or backend) fill it from skratch - though that means going through the whole channel setup pain again, it should help if the first guess didn't do it.
- if finally it is mythbox's fault...well you're out of luck, don't know Oo Huh
rodercot Wrote:to edit the sudoers list YOU NEED TO USED VI Editor from ROOT.

Not really related to the thread but as an FYI for the vi adverse you can do the above with:

su - root
export EDITOR=nano
export VISUAL=nano


and edit the sudoers file with nano Wink


ads_german Wrote:...
Although I prefer the more integrated look of the myth protocol in xbmc, i wanted to be able to skip back/forward through live tv, not just pause and resume like the myth protocol in xbmc offers. I ended up modifying the script i downloaded to launch just mythtv (live tv) instead of the entire myth frontend (so tv appears straight away instead of the myth interface first), and used a mythtv skin that looks similar to my chosen xbmc skin.

Hi Adam,

Could you post your modified script? I would also like to use xbmc & mythtv liveTV combination without having to browse throught the mythtv frontend menus. I think xbmc & mythtv liveTV combination is currentely the best way to use XBMC as mythtv frontend. XBMC script MythBox ( looks promising, but imo it still lacks some important functions like changing channel without stopping the playback first.

Thanks in advance,
Hi Kar1,

Yeah, lack of channel changing ability without stopping playback was another big killer for me with mythbox as it currently worked, but I think that's a limitation of the myth:// protocol, not the script. I only had to change a couple of lines in Arkay's script, as per below - basically just change references to mythfrontend to mythtv:

# Global vars, paths, commands to call.

my ($LOG) = "/home/xbmc/Shell_Scripts/appswitch.log";        #Log location.
my ($LOGSIZE) = 1024;                        #Maximum log size in kbytes, self pruning.
my ($DEBUG) = $FALSE;                        #Debugging default is off.
my ($BASENAME) = $0;                        #How was the program called?

my ($MYTHTV)="/usr/bin/mythtv";                    #Process name to start
my ($XBMC)="/usr/share/xbmc/xbmc.bin";                #Process name to start
my ($KMYTHTV)="mythtv";                        #Process name to use with killall
my ($KXBMC)="xbmc.bin";                        #Process name to use with killall
my ($KMPLAYER)="mplayer";                    #Also kill any external players
my ($KILLALL)="/usr/bin/killall";                #kill command.
my ($AUDIOHACK)="/usr/bin/iecset audio on";            #Shitty Alsa hack with intel HDA


You'll just need to adjust the path to your xbmc and mythtv installs if they're not in the default locations as I have. From memory I left everything else as per Arkay's example that I downloaded. As mentioned, the code snippet above is within, fairly close to the top... I hope that helps.

The standard myth:// source (not MythBox) allows you to change up and down channels when watching Live TV. Press whatever is mapped to PageUp to go up a channel and press whatever is mapped to PageDown to go down a channel. You don't need to stop playback and then choose the next channel.

Granted channel changing is painfully slow though. Starting playback of any recordings seems to have gotten slower as well. Not sure if I'm just imagining things though.

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Mythtv *on* the xbmc machine (with Intrepid)0