[REQUEST] Panel container suggestions?
This thread deals with the panel. Let's keep it at that. Anything else can be discussed elsewhere Smile

The last two images (other than the fact that vertical panels will still layout in the same direction as horizontal panels) are obvious how one would get to the other items on the screen (horizontal panel -> move up to the edge, vertical panel -> move left or right to the edge).

I presume numbers 2 and 3 are the equivalent of the "fixed list" in this respect - i.e. moving UP from the horizontal list would just bump the 3 rows down, so you'd only see 2 rows? I'm not sure if folk would use these ones.

Number 1 seems the most natural for a "scroll anywhere to see movies" point of view, and I suspect would be the one that you all want. I'm just not sure how one would go about setting up a button to get out of it. Any ideas for buttons for that action?

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Number 1 would really be the best in my opinion.

As to the key binding. The most intuitive key action people do when they want to go away is esc. I think it would work nicely if escape sets focus to options with this particular container. Then it is up to skinner to create a button in options that would do what escape is supposed to do - exit the window.

Maybe adding options button to context menu might work as well?

thanks for your time
Adding options to the context menu was the best method that I've come up with as well.

Will discuss with some others.

I suspect if method 1 is available then noone will want any of the other methods, or am I wrong?

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jmarshall Wrote:Adding options to the context menu was the best method that I've come up with as well.

Will discuss with some others.

I suspect if method 1 is available then noone will want any of the other methods, or am I wrong?


Jonathan, thank you very much for considering the idea.

Number 1 would be very useful for fullscreen "from edge to edge infinite wall".

However I think nr. 4 and 5 could be worth the effort, for they would basicaly work as current wraplist, only with more rows. Navigation to the options would be possible by navigating on the row or collumn in dependence of panels orientation. Hope I am clear enough Smile

What do you think?

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[REQUEST] Panel container suggestions?0