[Linux] HOW-TO Logitech Harmony One - NFY!
I am trying to understand the benefit of configuring the Harmony remote using this method rather than setting it up as a MCE remote. Huh

Any reason why I should take this approach?
No my "box" is custom built... nothing off the shelf. the IR receiver I am using came with my dell XPS laptop and plugs to usb. It is OVU412002 and cant find anything on the web for it, but it works flawlessly with the remote that came with it (also dell remote).

Finding drivers for that will be tough I believe...

Any recommendations on a receiver 100% compatible with the harmony?
Quote:I am trying to understand the benefit of configuring the Harmony remote using this method rather than setting it up as a MCE remote

I have to admit i am in the same boat... knowing basically nothing with remotes in linux i cant comment. I would like if you can give us a quick & dirty how-to on how to setup the remote as mceusb and make it work with linux/lirc to be eventually used in xbmc.

Possible to do so? THen we could compare both techniques and see the differences...
bmcclure937 Wrote:I am trying to understand the benefit of configuring the Harmony remote using this method rather than setting it up as a MCE remote. Huh

Any reason why I should take this approach?

I tried to setup the Harmony (via a serial IR receiver) as MCE remote. The pre-existing config files don't work. And if I create a new one via irrecord, I end up with the problem that I have to press every key twice (see here). Before trying to figure out the correct toggle_bit or toggle_mask values (not sure how), I guess I'll just give this how-to a try (although it seems to come with some less keys).
I've had very little success with the harmony one under linux.

Right now, it doesn't even respond to the irw command.

Until Phil Dibowitz add support for this device in concordance, this remote is virtually useless under Linux. Shame for a $200+ remote sitting on the shelf doing nothing. I guess I will keep trying to make it work... Oo

What kind of receiver are you guys using ? Please provide model and make. I think the receiver I am using right now is not perfectly compatible with either linux (that wouldnt surprise me) or the harmony remote.

Hammi, I'd like to help you but I'm wayy behind.
Ok, I ran a quick test, and it appears that the setup, as described herein, is working good for me. I'll need to tweak some of the keys in the Harmony setup as well as in LIRC/XBMC, but the basic functionality is present and working good - out of the box, without any modifications required.

I'm using this rev. 5 IR receiver (not sure if they also have an English language site), plugged into an onboard COM port of my Zotac IONITX board. With this IR receiver I'm also able to switch my htpc on and off.
anybody got the harmony working in linux with xbmc?

i got a hp ir receiver model OVU400103/00 and got lirc configured to use it as /dev/lirc0 and lird does not issue any errors but even if the receiver's red light flashes when i press the keys on the remote, irw does not output anything.

i followed bmcclure's tutorial at openelec but its not working. i also have the proper keymap in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf for my remote.

any clues?
Yes, I have a Harmony working.

I guess it would be much easier to help you, if you could tell us what exactly is not working, what your logs say, ...
Hey Hammi, thanks for replying!

I guess my logs dont show anything.. Thats my problem, I dont know what is not working...

First of all, my setup looks like this:

lircd 0.9.0-pre1 installed & compiled from sources, works perfectly.

drivers loaded at booting time:


lircd is started at boot time with

lircd --device=/dev/lirc0

where lirc0 is my hp IR receiver.


Apr 6 15:48:11 htpc lircd: lircd (default) ready, using /var/run/lirc/lircd
Apr 6 15:48:11 htpc lircd: accepted new client on /var/run/lirc/lircd

I have a config file in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf for my harmony (I can provide its content if needed, please ask.)

However, even if all this works, my harmony gets the receiver's light going, but irw does not output anything.

If I replace the config file for a different config file for my Dell remote that came with my XPS laptop, irw will output stuff...

Thats why I am puzzled.... Any idea? Thanks!
lpallard Wrote:I have a config file in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf for my harmony (I can provide its content if needed, please ask.)

However, even if all this works, my harmony gets the receiver's light going, but irw does not output anything.

If I replace the config file for a different config file for my Dell remote that came with my XPS laptop, irw will output stuff...

I'm not an expert in lirc, but it should be possible to read raw keycodes either with mode2 or by putting some kernel module into debug mode (which at least works with the event-mode) to see what your remote is actually sending. Your descriptions sounds as if your config might contains some/all of the wrong keycodes.
Can you provide your lirc conf file ?
This is the lircd.conf I used with a serial IR receiver and the Harmony configured as MCE remote:

# Please make this file available to others
# by sending it to <[email protected]>
# this config file was automatically generated
# using lirc-0.8.7-pre3(default) on Mon Feb 21 21:41:58 2011
# contributed by
# brand:                       /home/home/test.conf
# model no. of remote control:
# devices being controlled by this remote:

begin remote

  name Harmony
  bits 16
  eps 30
  aeps 100

  header 9036 4442
  one 610 1620
  zero 610 511
  ptrail 610
  repeat 9032 2187
  pre_data_bits 16
  pre_data 0x77E1
  gap 107881
  min_repeat 4
  toggle_bit_mask 0x0

  begin codes

    Up 0xD069
    Down 0xB069
    Left 0x1069
    Right 0xE069
    Ok 0x2069
    ChannelUp 0x5079
    ChannelDown 0x3079
    VolumeUp 0x5019
    VolumeDown 0x3019
    1 0x50E9
    2 0x30E9
    3 0x90E9
    4 0x60E9
    5 0x9019
    6 0x6019
    7 0x1099
    8 0xE099
    9 0x1059
    0 0xE059
    Clear 0x2059
    Enter 0x4099
    Red 0x10F9
    Green 0xE0F9
    Yellow 0x20F9
    Blue 0x40F9
    Mute 0xA019
    Back 0xA019
    Exit 0x50D9
    Guide 0xA0B9
    Menu 0x4069
    Info 0xD099
    Rec 0x30D9
    Rew 0xD059
    Fwd 0xB059
    Pause 0xC019
    Play 0xC0E9
    Skip 0xB005
    Replay 0xD005
    Stop 0xA0E9
    Prev 0xB099
    Aspect 0x50B9
    F1 0x90D9
    F10 0x6079
    F11 0xA079
    F12 0xC079
    F13 0x90B9
    F14 0x60B9
    F2 0x60D9
    F3 0xA0D9
    F4 0xC0D9
    F5 0x1005
    F6 0xE005
    F7 0x2005
    F8 0x4005
    F9 0x9079
    LargeDown 0xB0F9
    LargeUp 0xD0F9
    PwrToggle 0xC0B9
    Queue 0x30B9
    Sleep 0x4059
  end codes

end remote

My current setup is very different, as I'm using an IMON receiver and eventX for lirc. Based on what I've seen, I don't think that would work for you.
When you said your current setup was different and you don't think it will work, do you mean your configuration file won't work with my lirc setup?
Unless you have an IMON receiver, it won't work. My Harmony acts like an IMON pad.
Crap... So I'm back to square one again! I wonder why it's so difficult to have a stupid remote working in Linux.

AFAIK it should work as I followed the steps of several people and their setup worked!
Hm. Which receiver do you have exactly, and was a remote supplied with the receiver?

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[Linux] HOW-TO Logitech Harmony One - NFY!0