scraping music data from
ive finally gone thru and correctly tagged all my music, scraped it over allmusic with xbmc and made a few changes to fanart and thumbs to get it looking right. it returned bout 90% of band profiles which leaves the rest that returned no band or album infoSad
i know that this is because there is no profile for them on allmusic as the majority of them are australian. (im an aussie)Nod
i have noticed that most of these bands do have profiles on tho.
i also noticed that u can alter the music info scraper in the music settings so i changed it to in order to try and make it fill in the blanks.
when i did it and updated the library no new band profiles were found. i also tried the query info for all artists in in the library but no joy there either.
i know there are profiles on so im not sure why it wont work.

i know itll be something simple but i cant think of it so can someone please provide me with a solution?

also, if i do a second scrape in say 6 months time after bands have released new material, should it update the profiles accordingly showing new albums?
i tested it with a band and it didnt seem to work. any info there?

cheersBig Grin
still lookin for some help here.
You have to refresh album info to get it to update.

If you press INFO on an album or artist and then refresh it should use the new scraper you've set.

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jmarshall Wrote:You have to refresh album info to get it to update.

If you press INFO on an album or artist and then refresh it should use the new scraper you've set.


thanks, ill give that a go.
this didnt work, ive tried 'querying' album and artist info with the new scraper set and had no luck.
i also tried going into the album / artist info and refreshing but that didnt work either.
is this because its already got basic info from the other scraper? do i need to manually remove the current entry from the library or something?

i tried restarting xbmc which got it working using the refresh method but only for albums and not artists.
artists is the 1 id like like to get going.
any more info?

i finally got this to work.
just in case anyone is curious or has the same problem it was because i had previously exported my library to individual files which it kept recognising and grabbing the info from. i had to manually delete the nfo from each artist i wanted the new info for and then go to artist information, refresh.
Have to give this a bump because I'm experiencing artist scraper issues and could use some help please.

As you can see, the artist I want to scrape is on Along with their description etc.

Now here is what happens when I want to scrape:



It sometimes works when I search a few times for more popular artists, as you can see in the video also. But I have popular artists too, such as Alanis Morrisette that won't scrape either.

Happens with a couple of different artists, latest SVN and also past builds.
Not a debug log. Please use Confluence when you do debuglogs for others to read - gets rid of all the invalid crap that the skin is including.
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Apologies, hopefully this one is what you are looking for.
No. Turn debug logging on in Settings->System->Debugging.

Then do an album lookup.

Then fetch the log.
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Okay, sorry had not done that before, here it is:
Thanks - looks like there's a bug in the scraper. If you want to play, try changing line 66 of lastfm.xml (in your appdata/xbmc/addons/ folder) from:

<expression repeat="yes">&lt;artist&gt;.*?&lt;name&gt;([^&lt;]*)&lt;/name&gt;.*?&lt;mbid&gt;([^&lt;]*)&lt;/mbid&gt;.*?&lt;url&gt;www\.last\.fm/music/(\+noredirect/)?([^&lt;]*)&lt;/url&gt;</expression>
<expression repeat="yes">&lt;artist&gt;.*?&lt;name&gt;([^&lt;]*)&lt;/name&gt;.*?&lt;mbid&gt;([^&lt;]*)&lt;/mbid&gt;.*?&lt;url&gt;(?:http://)?www\.last\.fm/music/(\+noredirect/)?([^&lt;]*)&lt;/url&gt;</expression>

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Many thanks Jonathan, your fix worked perfectly.

If anybody wants to fix their file the line in question was actually line 16 for me of the lastfm.xml in the folder.
Thanks for testing - should be available at an addons manager near you in a few minutes Wink

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Sorry to revive the ancient thread but I'm having exactly this behaviour right now with the scraper. It finds and adds information, when I updated my whole database but when I try to manually scrape the artists with no artists information, nothing gets added.

So far for all of these artists I have to manually change the artist when I update from the artists information screen. For example I have to change "AC-DC" to "AC/DC" in the dialogue.

Using xbmc eden beta 1 on an atv2, confluence skin.

Here's a log
And it gets a little stranger. I just tried the freebase scraper on an artist with no artists information. It worked, the artist information was scraped and can be seen in the library (fanart view in transparency) and through the context menu. After that I rescraped the same artist with the scraper. It returned a result and the biography from can now be seen in the artists information (hit context menu==>artist information). However the biography was not updated in the plain library view. Right now this artist seems to somehow have two biographies. One can be seen in library view, the other through the context menu.

Here's another log:

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scraping music data from last.fm0