XBMC crashes when sreaching for new content
Nothing to do with this thread - please post a separate thread. Also, ensure you turn on debug logging before posting the log.
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jmarshall Wrote:Nothing to do with this thread - please post a separate thread. Also, ensure you turn on debug logging before posting the log.

Hello marshall,

The topic is called "XBMC crashes when searching for new content" which seems to be what my XBMC is doing. It automatically scans my media when I start XBMC and a few seconds later, 1/3 the way through the scan, I get the crash.

I have posted a new log, but if there is another thread that is more applicable, Id be glad to post there. This thread seems to be exactly what I am experiencing.


This thread is concerned with video. Your issue is with music. Post a new thread.
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any progress? jmarshall
Created ticket, comment, if addictional info is needed.
Zarbis Wrote:Created ticket, comment, if addictional info is needed.

thanks will progress be posted in there? is there anyway to know if its being worked on or fixed?
You might want to google what trac is and how it works. All progress will be posted there, yes.
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Are they ever going to fix this?
Crazymoondawg Wrote:Are they ever going to fix this?

Turn off "Include Alternative Titles in Fanart Search"

Edit: nahh, that doesn't help. This scraper is flawed.

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XBMC crashes when sreaching for new content0