XBMC Database on NAS
Ok to make things a bit clearer, first off the script I talk about compiles just into a standalone executable (no xbmc script or something). It runs in the background, put it in your startup folder to make it go with windows (or make a service out of it).
The benefit of this are for example;
1) Checking if PC's are online (can't be done by synctoy, dunno if it throws errors if you try to sync to a PC that is off, haven't tried actually Smile)
2) Logging of actions
3) Smarter way of running the schedule when compared to just using plain windows schedules
4) In general more flexibility for certain (maybe for know even unforseen) circumstances

If you wanted too you could just make a windows schedule out of synctoycmd.exe and run it every few hours (that is if that works in your situation, dunno how synctoycmd will handle errors)

Just tried running synctoycmd while the source is off, didn't cause any noticable errors (it did in the gui). As of Synctoy 2.1 this will work (in prev. versions exchange synctoycmd.exe by synctoy.exe);
"C:\Program Files\SyncToy 2.1\SyncToyCmd.exe" -R "XBMC Thumbnails"
Where "XBMC Thumbnails" is the folder pair name you created in synctoy.
So you could setup a windows task/schedule to run this every few hours. This can be done all on the server. Create multiple folder pairs iin synctoy to setup more clients and also do this for your windows tasks.
But for me personally I prefer my little script. Will release it when it's decent Smile
josz Wrote:Ok to make things a bit clearer, first off the script I talk about compiles just into a standalone executable (no xbmc script or something). It runs in the background, put it in your startup folder to make it go with windows (or make a service out of it).
The benefit of this are for example;
1) Checking if PC's are online (can't be done by synctoy, dunno if it throws errors if you try to sync to a PC that is off, haven't tried actually Smile)
2) Logging of actions
3) Smarter way of running the schedule when compared to just using plain windows schedules
4) In general more flexibility for certain (maybe for know even unforseen) circumstances

If you wanted too you could just make a windows schedule out of synctoycmd.exe and run it every few hours (that is if that works in your situation, dunno how synctoycmd will handle errors)

Just tried running synctoycmd while the source is off, didn't cause any noticable errors (it did in the gui). As of Synctoy 2.1 this will work (in prev. versions exchange synctoycmd.exe by synctoy.exe);
"C:\Program Files\SyncToy 2.1\SyncToyCmd.exe" -R "XBMC Thumbnails"
Where "XBMC Thumbnails" is the folder pair name you created in synctoy.
So you could setup a windows task/schedule to run this every few hours. This can be done all on the server. Create multiple folder pairs iin synctoy to setup more clients and also do this for your windows tasks.
But for me personally I prefer my little script. Will release it when it's decent Smile

Great....looking forward to the script! Let me know if you need any help or testing.
Almost done just need to test it a bit more.
This version will require you to setup synctoy as well as the ini provided with the exe (more on this later). I might create a future version which will setup things for you in SyncToy (as it seems possibile thru commandline). Then you would only need to edit the ini.


Follow this link to download the first release of what I have created.
ReadMe included inside the download. Feedback's welcome!
Found a bug when it comes to the scheduling ( :whoops: ), guess I was too quick to release (haven't tested it as much as I would've liked). The bug will show up in the logs (when LogLevel is set to debug) as negative minutes remaining. Another small bug is that LogLevel "Off" was not correctly recognized in the first release.
Already have a bugfix ready but this time I'll spent a bit more time testing. Hopefully release a new version tomorrow.

I was thinking about new features to add, first thing I thought off was a "sync now" option (ignoring the regular schedule). It will be implemented as a tray icon right click menu.
It will also have options for exit and pausing this script (defaults provided by AutoIt). If anyone's using this and has thought of something to add don't hesitate to drop it here.
If anyone's still interested in my script, I can post an update to fix previous bugs but I also moved to the symbolic link solution provided in this thread earlier.
Previous limitations I had with that I resolved.
josz Wrote:If anyone's still interested in my script, I can post an update to fix previous bugs but I also moved to the symbolic link solution provided in this thread earlier.
Previous limitations I had with that I resolved.

Interesting...what made you switch to the symbolic link?
What made me do the script in the first place was that I found the symbolic link solution too slow. Now I have some new equipment it got a lot better (especially latency wise, it's not really a bandwidth thing).

So the script still could serve people who feel the latency accross network is too much.
josz Wrote:What made me do the script in the first place was that I found the symbolic link solution too slow. Now I have some new equipment it got a lot better (especially latency wise, it's not really a bandwidth thing).

So the script still could serve people who feel the latency accross network is too much.

My symbolic link over wireless N is not too bad but could be better. I notice that quickly scrolling through my video library in the showcase view (posters) can be a bit jerky. Also accessing my music large music library can take almost 7 seconds. Not too bad. I was thinking of switching to NFS to see if this could maybe help.

Do you mind if I ask what you did to improve your performance?

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XBMC Database on NAS0