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[RELEASE] Canada On Demand (Successor to CTV Properties)
digitaltrack Wrote:I get "script failed" error on Treehouse and YTV. Anyone else is getting the same error? Thanks!

Treehouse, YTV, and a lot of others started to use DRM from Adobe called AccessV2. There is no way to get around this besides screen capturing (think screenshot 24-30 times per second). If you know otherwise, I will be happy to try and get it working.
tsn aint werkin fer me

I am running XBMClive and can't for the life of me update the rtmpdump to 2.4. Can someone post a step by step.
I have tried the various methods listed in this thread but none have worked. Working from the console in XBMC Live is proving to be at the upper end of my capabilities, if someone could help that would be great, as SWMBO is threatening to call the satellite installer if I can't get Global working Sad
As your running XBMCLive this shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I'm going to need you to ether login to your xbmc via SSH or your going to have to sit down infront of it and type things manually.
I highly recomend that you login via SSH.

first remove any previous packages
code Wrote:sudo apt-get purge rtmpdump

Then install your dependancies
code Wrote:sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core checkinstall libssl-dev

then copy this accros as one SINGLE command...

code Wrote:cd ~/ && \
git clone git://git.ffmpeg.org/rtmpdump && \
cd rtmpdump && \
version="$(git log -1 --abbrev-commit | grep commit | cut -d' ' -f2)" && \
make VERSION="v2.4\ $version~git" && \
sudo checkinstall --pakdir "$HOME/Desktop" --pkgname rtmpdump \
--pkgversion "2.4-$version~git" --backup=no --default && sudo ldconfig

This will download, build and then install the latest git version of rtmpdump on your system. Once complete you can type "rtmpdump" and it should give you somthing like the following below (notice the version number)

code Wrote:rxbmc@xbmc:~$ rtmpdump
RTMPDump v2.4 5d03a4f~git
© 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL

original code is not my work but i have used it personally, this was taken from "ron999" over at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1816737 credit should go to him and the rtmpdump team
Updating RTMPDump

once you have installed RTMPDump from the code above, to update it you will have to do the following. Copy and paste as one SINGLE command.

code Wrote:cd ~/rtmpdump && \
git pull && \
version="$(git log -1 --abbrev-commit | grep commit | cut -d' ' -f2)" && \
make VERSION="v2.4\ $version~git" && \
sudo checkinstall --pakdir "$HOME/Desktop" --pkgname rtmpdump \
--pkgversion "2.4-$version~git" --backup=no --default && sudo ldconfig

This code takes you to your rtmpdump code folder (git clone), updates it to the latest git version, makes the new version and then installs it for you.
Thank you so much for the help. I am out of town for a week but will post back when i get a chance to try and update the rtmpdmp.

I've updated the Canada on Demand plugin and installed the latest rtmpdump to 2.4. Suddenly the 'Holmes Inspection Season 2' under HGTV's lineup is throwing a script failed.

Debug log:

DEBUG:root:parse_callback body "Could not open Hibernate Session for transaction; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Cannot open connection":
23:31:32 T:2814753648 M:962727936  NOTICE: .
23:31:32 T:2814753648 M:962727936   ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.TypeError
23:31:32 T:2814753648 M:962727936   ERROR: Error Contents: string indices must be integers
23:31:32 T:2814753648 M:962727936   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/home/zxarr/.xbmc/addons/howlett-plugin.video.canada.on.demand-0c51f84/default.py", line 499, in ?
                                              File "/home/zxarr/.xbmc/addons/howlett-plugin.video.canada.on.demand-0c51f84/default.py", line 464, in __call__
                                                return chan()
                                              File "/home/zxarr/.xbmc/addons/howlett-plugin.video.canada.on.demand-0c51f84/channel.py", line 123, in __call__
                                                return action_method()
                                              File "/home/zxarr/.xbmc/addons/howlett-plugin.video.canada.on.demand-0c51f84/channels/theplatform.py", line 182, in action_browse
                                                releases = self.get_releases(self.args)
                                              File "/home/zxarr/.xbmc/addons/howlett-plugin.video.canada.on.demand-0c51f84/channels/theplatform.py", line 119, in get_releases
                                                for item in data['items']:
                                            TypeError: string indices must be integers
23:31:32 T:3079444352 M:962727936   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.canada.on.demand/?Plot=&force_cache_update=False&Thumb=http%3A%2F%2Fa123.g.akamai.net%2Ff%2F123%2F68811%2F1d%2Fbroadcastent.download.akamai.com%2F68961%2FCanwest_Broadcast_Entertainment%2FMike-with-construction-hat-.jpg&Title=Holmes+Inspection%3A+Season+2&entry_id=1470802385&action=browse&channel=hgtv&Icon=%2Fhome%2Fzxarr%2F.xbmc%2Faddons%2Fhowlett-plugin.video.canada.on.demand-0c51f84%2Fresources%2Fimages%2Fchannels%2Fhgtv.png
23:31:32 T:3079444352 M:962727936   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.canada.on.demand/?Plot=&force_cache_update=False&Thumb=http%3A%2F%2Fa123.g.akamai.net%2Ff%2F123%2F68811%2F1d%2Fbroadcastent.download.akamai.com%2F68961%2FCanwest_Broadcast_Entertainment%2FMike-with-construction-hat-.jpg&Title=Holmes+Inspection%3A+Season+2&entry_id=1470802385&action=browse&channel=hgtv&Icon=%2Fhome%2Fzxarr%2F.xbmc%2Faddons%2Fhowlett-plugin.video.canada.on.demand-0c51f84%2Fresources%2Fimages%2Fchannels%2Fhgtv.png) failed
23:31:32 T:3079444352 M:962727936 WARNING: GetLabel - Unknown nodetype requested 6
23:31:33 T:2880285552 M:962752512 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
23:31:33 T:2880285552 M:962752512   ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
23:31:33 T:2880285552 M:962752512 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
23:31:33 T:2880285552 M:962752512   ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
23:31:33 T:2880285552 M:962752512 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
23:31:33 T:2880285552 M:962752512   ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
23:31:33 T:2880285552 M:962752512 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
23:31:33 T:2880285552 M:962752512   ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
23:31:33 T:2880285552 M:962752512 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
23:31:33 T:2880285552 M:962752512   ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.

I've noticed this happening on other HGTV shows. Did they start playing with locations?
Anyone have any ideas?

jedix Wrote:Treehouse, YTV, and a lot of others started to use DRM from Adobe called AccessV2. There is no way to get around this besides screen capturing (think screenshot 24-30 times per second). If you know otherwise, I will be happy to try and get it working.

So if I understand this correctly is not about listing the content but a problem of the rendering mechanism that they are using?

I found I could list the program on the webpage by doing:
gunfus Wrote:So if I understand this correctly is not about listing the content but a problem of the rendering mechanism that they are using?

I found I could list the program on the webpage by doing:

Do you have more debug output? I'd like to see the stream that it's trying to open to make sure the parser is working correctly, and if rtmp is saying anything.
Great Success. Mad props LagMonkey, evil cable and satellite contract is avoided for now. Many Many thanks.

blahfod Wrote:Great Success. Mad props LagMonkey, evil cable and satellite contract is avoided for now. Many Many thanks.


Please do not laugh but I am getting mixed up here, I haved added the add-on andrepl.zip but do not see it anywhere. I s there another add-on I require to see the channels TSN, treehouse etc? I have both XBMC and Boxee.

thanks for all hard work deciphering guys!
Does anyone have a current status on Canada on Demand and is there a way to get what is working to show up in pseudoTV?

you might be installing the wrong version of the plugin, go back a few pages in this thread and someone posted a link to a page that has a .zip file containing an updated version of the plugin. Uninstall the andrepl plugin and then install the one from the link a few pages back. that should sort out your list of shows to include treehouse and tsn.

good luck

Has anyone got Discovery channel working yet?

I,m beginning to feel like I,m living in a communist country with all the stupid content restrictions.

Us Canadians are held behind the rest of the world while our retarded government criticizes china for censorship.

All Canadians here need to start rising up and make real noise about this. Start by blasting the program director of Discovery Channel and Bell media.
I guess the flash drm has the hackers stumped, hackers aren't as brilliant as they use to be.
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[RELEASE] Canada On Demand (Successor to CTV Properties)11