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[LINUX] XBMScript - Easy installation for Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (9.04)
Ive re-formated twice, with the same error when i try to import the skin.
I'm pretty close to go to a friend and clone my ASRock with his Sad
only twice? I've officially lost count 1st machine was faulty and this one I cant get it set up properly.

on another note why dont you install svn Repo installer an use that to download skins instead. look at my posts for code.
Well if i create the dir, the download of the skins is successfull... but this dosnt fix my xbmc...
when i try to locate xbmc.bin it's no where to be found...
i really believe the xmbscripts needs to be fixed, as it has been working really nice only a few days ago
hello flxfxp!

when you will updated to Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic?

i buy you not one but two beers Wink

please mate i really appreciate your work
I tried to install XBMC with your script but is isn't working (anymore..)
Think it has something to do with the new 9.11 alpha1-jaunty repositories or keys.

The keyserver-line in the script points to an incorrect key.

Dennis, zie jij tijd om dit te fixen? :-)


Gr. René.
iGudi Wrote:Well if i create the dir, the download of the skins is successfull... but this dosnt fix my xbmc...
when i try to locate xbmc.bin it's no where to be found...
i really believe the xmbscripts needs to be fixed, as it has been working really nice only a few days ago

I recon what the issue is is that the keyservers are not working you should download the keys manually from an alternative server. I had to import keys this way as well when I had similar issues not sure if it's been fixed as of yet.

http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=61023 there are plenty of alternative keyservers if you look at your installs you have Im sure NO PUB KEY XXXXXXXXXX somewhere this will fix it.

*Edit I was able to reproduce your bug!! However not able to fix it at all... Sad
I just found out about this Script. Unfortunatley it is NO LONGER working Sad


While it seems to install the Nvidia drivers properly, it FAILS TO INSTALL XBMC ALL TOGETHER!!!

If anyone can shed light on how to fix I would appreciate.
probably needs the libass stuff adding to the script
Okay where do I get the libass stuff? Seems like I need libass-dev and libass3? Can someone post detailed instructions on how to installHuh

I found the .deb packages, but when I try to install one it complains that it doesn't have the other, and vice versa...


1.) sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 64234534

2.) gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv 1DABDBB4CEC06767 && gpg --export --armor 1DABDBB4CEC06767 | sudo apt-key add - && sudo aptitude update

3.) edit the script to use pgp.mit.edu instead of ubuntu key server.

i.e. sudo nano xbmscript.sh

Scroll down to the "adding GPG part and change the server address from keyserver.ubuntu.com to pgp.mit.edu
Yes mate you have the right idea in adding alternative keyservers and I see you hit some on the nail, that have been causing some avoc. I have posted about alternative keyservers here and been trying to get ppl to get why it is important.

below find alternative keyservers if one dont work one of them is bound to.

wwwkeys.XX.pgp.net - replace XX with your country code (fr, en, de... etc)

1) I installed XBMCLive to HDD

2) All That below

I presume you guys know which part to replace to use one of the alternate keyservers, to make it a no brainer I added it in red.

e.g. apt-key adv --keyserver [b][color=RED]keys.gnupg.net[/color][/b] --recv-keys XXXXXXX
e.g. apt-key adv --keyserver [b][color=RED]pool.sks-keyservers.net[/color][/b] --recv-keys XXXXXXX
e.g. e.g. apt-key adv --keyserver [b][color=RED]subkeys.pgp.net[/color][/b] --recv-keys XXXXXXX

And so on

You may or may not need to execute the following line though it wont do any harm if you do.

apt-get install libenca0 libfontconfig1 libfreetype6
Thx to sierradump for the info.

To obtain the libass (latest) you do this

wget https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/jaunty-ppa/+files/libass3_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb
wget https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/jaunty-ppa/+files/libass-dev_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb
dpkg -i libass3_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb
dpkg -i libass-dev_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb
rm libass3_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb
rm libass-dev_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb

Thax to sierradump for spotting order of install, it is now updated here.

That should fix it I recommend adding this to the script as well under diferent option

Also what I did besides adding alternative keyservers was to add the SVN PPA like so:
###----[ Add Latest SVN Alpha1 Repos ]---------------------------------
echo deb deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc-svn/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbmc.org.list
  echo deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc-svn/ppa/ubuntu jaunty >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbmc.org.list

I then added the keyserver

apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 64234534

So The good news is that I finally got the setup including the hauppage remote working with lirc I just used the mceusb stuff and voila it works with no config needed.

I would have to say Success was add all this, upgrade kernel, run the apt-get update check out output making sure thers no erros of missing keys apt-get update then apt-get install xbmc.

After this I ran the script (option 2) Latest SVN (remember I had already added the latest SVN PPA's & Keys Manualy and it all worked just fine, I am now running the latest alpha the latest kernel and because I wanted the nvidia 190.42 and it is not available as a standalone upgrade, I opened script and pinched the line from there. All The PPA's and keys were added as well manually they are all in script though I used alternate keyservers for the lot just to be sure.

apt-get install linux-headers-generic nvidia-glx-190 -y --force-yes | tee -a $mypwd/xbmscriptlogs/xbmscript.log

It takes some working on but finally the setup is in my books 95% on Jaunty and working fine, all I need is to figure out what to do so I can power the asrock on with remote but I guess thats a jumper on mobo and it would generaly need a Bios setting to wake up system via USB which the asrock dont have.

Well I have to say Asrock XBMC setup complete... Now its just the crumbs to pick up and sort out. Like HDMI sound is still not quite there.


In light of these issues alternative keyservers script which I posted b4 to get all keys can be adapted to contain alternative keyservers if they all execute in turn no harm done when the key is received it wont get modded. Simple to make the script more robust.

When I sort out the wake on remote bit ill repost infor on that then maybe I can start muddling on helping flxfxp bolster up this baby. Preparing for all contingents.

On a last note I think ppl may wonder and give in its to remove directories that just wont go. this is what to do.

rm -R directoryname/*
and then
rm -R directoryname

100% guarantied.

Your instructions for libass install are out of order -- first you need to:
apt-get install libenca0 libfontconfig1 libfreetype6

then you need to install the libass3 package BEFORE the libass-dev package:
wget https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/jaunty-ppa/+files/libass3_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb
  wget https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/jaunty-ppa/+files/libass-dev_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb
  dpkg -i libass3_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb
  dpkg -i libass-dev_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb
  rm libass3_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb
  rm libass-dev_0.9.6-1xbmc1_i386.deb
hey thanks a bunch mate...

It worked for me without the extra line:

apt-get install libenca0 libfontconfig1 libfreetype6
Well spotted the order of install... I've corrected it now.
sierradump Wrote:Okay where do I get the libass stuff? Seems like I need libass-dev and libass3? Can someone post detailed instructions on how to installHuh

I found the .deb packages, but when I try to install one it complains that it doesn't have the other, and vice versa...


1.) sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 64234534

2.) gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv 1DABDBB4CEC06767 && gpg --export --armor 1DABDBB4CEC06767 | sudo apt-key add - && sudo aptitude update

3.) edit the script to use pgp.mit.edu instead of ubuntu key server.

i.e. sudo nano xbmscript.sh

Scroll down to the "adding GPG part and change the server address from keyserver.ubuntu.com to pgp.mit.edu

seems to have fixed my problem.

Ran xbmscript again - step 1 and 2 and xbmc started...

I also did the libass and libass3 installation, so this also might have done the trick.

I thought autorefreshrate worked on linux Sad... (I've found a fix for this, I'll post it when i get back home)...

I'm very pleased with my setup now!
Maybe can take a loo into it. WHo knows maybe extra information for installing XBMC on 9.10?

In my case with my Samsung 46" LCD i had to add the following to /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Option "FlatPanelProperties" "Scaling = Native
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[LINUX] XBMScript - Easy installation for Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (9.04)5