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[MOD] Aeon Hitched by EKIM232
Take your time, the next final of XBMC will be in May (according to roadmap) so it would be nice if your skin worked nicely with this upcoming milestone.
m3g4tr0n Wrote:can the the views setting be locked like in Alaska?

does the skin have a Wide List view like in Rapier Skin *Rapier Qualar Mod*


If you are speaking of kiosk mode, then the answer is no for the initial release. That would take sometime I don't want to invest at first.

I am not sure what wide list is in Rapier. I will have to check it out.
zilexa Wrote:Take your time, the next final of XBMC will be in May (according to roadmap) so it would be nice if your skin worked nicely with this upcoming milestone.

I will definitely be waiting until that release. I imagine it will affect something and I will need to do some tweaking. If pvr is implemented, then it could be a lot.
Definitely looking forward to the release of this skin. Not meaning to add any pressure - just excited.
ekim232 Wrote:I will definitely be waiting until that release. I imagine it will affect something and I will need to do some tweaking. If pvr is implemented, then it could be a lot.

Last I heard was PVR support wasn't making it into 10.05. Just read it one of the threads earlier today, either jmarshall or spiff stated it wasn't going to make it. Sounds like the Addons merge set all the devs back a bit.

EDIT: Found the thread and it was spiff. http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=71796
BUMP. Any news on a beta release?
hi Ekim If you want some testing doing then i am available.
My system is a asrock ion330pro running windows7(am testing night at the mo) I hope the skin is not too heavy on tewxtures like aeon is as that runs a little slow on the ion.
And i would be more than happy to help out finding those hard to find bugs(assuming there is any) either way looking forward to seeing this skinWink
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
paul Wrote:hi Ekim If you want some testing doing then i am available.
My system is a asrock ion330pro running windows7(am testing night at the mo) I hope the skin is not too heavy on tewxtures like aeon is as that runs a little slow on the ion.
And i would be more than happy to help out finding those hard to find bugs(assuming there is any) either way looking forward to seeing this skinWink

That sounds good. Still working through some details. I just started a new job, so time has been tight lately. I will deifnitely let you know when I am ready to have some people run through it. Just finished adding support for landscape icons & logos for tv. So now it will work like Hitcher's Alaska mod that can do posters, banners, and landscape. Pretty much finished up the homepage. Here are some screens of the latest added and submenus.



Love the home page so far. Good to hear that there will be sub-menus on the homepage, easy access to latest added is a must for me.

In the first screenshot the text on the icon and in the background seems a little redundant. A little busy with the posters in the icon as well. Maybe find a nice icon set and do something to the second home screen type in Alaska? I see great potential in this mod of Aeon, a nice balance between the simplicity of Alaska and the advanced features of Aeon.

Another small thing are the icons for the sub-menus? The third screenshot has some icons which look great, but may come out a little dark on cheaper LCDs. They look like they may have been made in-house so possibly make the gray the background color and highlight the icon with the blue shade from the top bar?

Keep up the great work and congratulations on the new job.
ekim232 Wrote:That sounds good. Still working through some details. I just started a new job, so time has been tight lately. I will deifnitely let you know when I am ready to have some people run through it. Just finished adding support for landscape icons & logos for tv. So now it will work like Hitcher's Alaska mod that can do posters, banners, and landscape. Pretty much finished up the homepage. Here are some screens of the latest added and submenus.
It's looking real sweet, much nicer than that of Alaska(as that is shite)
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
kryptonyte Wrote:Love the home page so far. Good to hear that there will be sub-menus on the homepage, easy access to latest added is a must for me.

In the first screenshot the text on the icon and in the background seems a little redundant. A little busy with the posters in the icon as well. Maybe find a nice icon set and do something to the second home screen type in Alaska? I see great potential in this mod of Aeon, a nice balance between the simplicity of Alaska and the advanced features of Aeon.

Another small thing are the icons for the sub-menus? The third screenshot has some icons which look great, but may come out a little dark on cheaper LCDs. They look like they may have been made in-house so possibly make the gray the background color and highlight the icon with the blue shade from the top bar?

Keep up the great work and congratulations on the new job.

The background text can be turned off. It also turns off automatically if there is user defined background images. Homepage has a lot of toggles. Pretty much everything is customisable. I am working on a second set of icons now. The hard part is designing a new submenu animation. Right now they share the same icon frame and spin to reveal the submenu. The submenu icons will be a few shades lighter. Those were my first round. These screens were also taken on my laptop, so they all look MUCH better on my 1080p tv. As I look at them now, I almost want to remove them because they don't give a good representation at all.
for an even better representation, release a "Release Candidate" or "Preview" edition Wink
zilexa Wrote:for an even better representation, release a "Release Candidate" or "Preview" edition Wink
Be patient young padawan
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
ekim232 Wrote:The background text can be turned off. It also turns off automatically if there is user defined background images. Homepage has a lot of toggles. Pretty much everything is customisable.

Will there be a way to have text with custom backgrounds? I don't want to use icons.
xecutionx Wrote:Will there be a way to have text with custom backgrounds? I don't want to use icons.

More than likely. I am working on text icons as well. I have not put them on the skin yet, but I don't see why they would not work out.
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[MOD] Aeon Hitched by EKIM2321