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[PATCH] Dual Audio Output support for XBMC (Eden Updated)
Awesome works wonderfully! Thank you do much for this genius setup!
Do my ears deceive me? It sounds like there is no audio delay between the 2 sources for me (HDMI to tv, optical S/PDIF). Anyone else?
Thanks again for the patch!
I sit about 12 feet from my 47inch screen and I notice no off-sync because my receiver is set to delay the speakers based on my seat distance. So right on top of the screen you would hear a slight delay (Milli-seconds).

But know if I have the other TV connected and playing the same movie but in stereo in the other room the sound does have a delay compared. But only if I can hear both really loud.... So it doesn't matter to me because why would I blast both TVs with doors opened and stand in between them to watch?!

Plus you can adjust the delay in XBMC!

I can watch a movie in one room with surround Sound automatically and then take a shower and watch the rest from the TV in my bedroom that is stereo with no fiddling!

Thanks again! One of the best Patches for my PC ever!
Thanks xhbl, this is fantastic.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
It is what I have been looking for for 3 months....
But I am a Linux user (a brand new one !) who doesn't know how to compile this wonderful patch....
Does anyone knows how to compile it under ubuntu ??

Please, help !!!

Thanks a lot for helping a newbie ...

Gonna try this tonight.

Also thanks to Liquidtouch for the "Virtual Audio cables" tip. My emulator sounds now work through the TV and stereo without switching in windows. Still using this patch in XBMC purley because the virtual audio cables doesnt support DTS/DD etc and theres some ocasional crackling.

Thanks xhbl for the eden patch. although in true XBMC style, you will need to do another when eden hits. 11.01.... Lol

Yeah, VAC works but isn't an ideal solution. I found it would occasionally stop working which is why i switched back to Win XP at the time.

This plugin is great now that I am able to use it.

Thanks again
(2012-03-27, 07:14)sebion Wrote: But I am a Linux user (a brand new one !) who doesn't know how to compile this wonderful patch....
Does anyone knows how to compile it under ubuntu ??
I'll be compiling this patch for Ubuntu (11.10) soon - probably this coming weekend - once I've confirmed it's working correctly I'll ask xhdl to add the binary to the links at the top.


Thanks PaulCarter for answering so fast.

I look forward to reading from you soon.

Thanks again for your help.

Love this community. There is always someone to help.

Thank you xhbl for updating this for Eden, it should just be part of the main code imho...

If only you were in Shanghai I would buy you a beer or few when I am there next.
(2012-03-28, 12:44)art76 Wrote: Thank you xhbl for updating this for Eden, it should just be part of the main code imho...


wow, very nice
really nice, is it already in the main xbmc repo?
Thank you xhbl! I wish I could add to your reputation more than once!
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[PATCH] Dual Audio Output support for XBMC (Eden Updated)18