.: Xbmc Web Control :. skin based on Confluence theme
Can you edit, load and save playlists?
For the moment .. No ..
it sure looks good in the youtube video, but I am having a really hard time getting this to work.

My system is win 7 + xbmc 10.1

I downloaded and installed xampp. Dropped your skin in the htdocs folder. I edited the file core\host_setting.php with my xbmc server settings (which the port is 8082)
Started the apache server.

When I went to address localhost/xbmc10-b1/index.php I got the error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init()"

A google search revealed that I had to uncomment curl_init in the php.ini file. I did that.

Now when I go to your skin, I get error text all over the place. Some of which are:

"Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in W:\xampp\htdocs\xbmc10-b1\system\show_meteo.php on line 36"
"Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in W:\xampp\htdocs\xbmc10-b1\system\show_meteo.php on line 37"
"Notice: Undefined variable: json in W:\xampp\htdocs\xbmc10-b1\core\film.php on line 61"
"Notice: Undefined index: Submit in W:\xampp\htdocs\xbmc10-b1\core\film.php on line 86"

When I click on film and tv shows, the names appear, but no pictures, and full of error lines.
If I click on a name, the movie starts playing in xbmc, but that's about it, no other controls work.

Am I missing something?
open :


and add this :

; Eval the expression with current error_reporting().  Set to true if you want
; error_reporting(0) around the eval().

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

; [url]http://php.net/assert.quiet-eval[/url]
;assert.quiet_eval = 0

find this :


and replece with this :

extension=php_curl.dll was already uncommented.

The only change I did was turning off the error reporting. Now I don't see any error messages, but it is still not working properly.

The names of files and the text info get retrieved, but none of the pictures show up
I figured it out.

When it didn't work at first (due to curl_init), I had changed the xbmc address to localhost in host_setting.php just to see if it would work (xampp and xbmc are on the same computer)

I didn't realize the browser was directly connecting to the xbmc server as well. (Obviously when the xbmc address was passed to my browser as localhost it wouldn't work because I am running the browser on a different computer on the same network)

Now the pictures are displayed
i have tested now at my friend's house with windows seven because at my home i don't have this .. work but don't have the play information .. and i have found the problem with the page : show meteo , for have the weather information ; i have open this for the moment and i have clean all code and save ..

tested on google chrome

i don't know why xampp don't like curl ..

i don't tested :

your ip/system/get_playinfo.php

if put out the information

for show the trailer i have use mymovie plugin
Hey dude. I fixed a couple of things and translated some stuff to english. It's on github and I've already made a pull request in case you want to add the changes.

Also, I know it would've been better if this was shown to you before you started, but you might want to consider using this: https://github.com/karlrixon/xbmc-php-rpc it works very well, and makes getting info from XBMC that much easier!
Maraschino - github - website
gugahoi i have add your pull request , and I have added you like collaborator !! big thanks !!
empty_skull Wrote:gugahoi i have add your pull request , and I have added you like collaborator !! big thanks !!

Thanks! I really like the potential of this project. Specially how good the graphics are, I'm really impressed! Unfortunately, this week will be very busy for me so I won't be able to help a lot. But come next weekend I will start doing some work for ya!

Btw, did you have a look at the XBMC-PHP-Class?
Maraschino - github - website
I've it up and running and it really looks great! One question: You don't seem to handle the watched/unwatched status for tv shows. Is it possible to include this?
Any news on this?
Seems like this project hit some form of stand-still, but wanted to try it anyway. I know on the original post it mentions there's a bug with Firefox 4 and that IE wasn't tested but tried on both of those first before downloading and installing the latest Chrome and still having the same issue.

I grabbed the latest from Github and I configured the core/host_setting.php before first run.

The above image is from Firefox 4 but it essentially looked the same in IE9 and Chrome as well.

::System Specs::
HTPC Desktop:
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 running IIS 7.5 (with PHP5 and PHP_Curl installed)
Dharma (running on above system)
Remote Control System:
Tested with Firefox4, IE9, Chrome via IP on Win7P x64 laptop
HTPC 1: 64-bit Quad Core 3.4GHz Athlon X4 / 16GB DDR3 / (8) 2TB / 42" Vizio / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
HTPC 2: 64-bit Quad Core 2.0GHz / 8GB DDR3 / 1TB / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
My Personal Blog - NewsDemon | Text size doesn't seem to be working anymore for signatures?
what is your resolution ?

excused if I am not looking the forum ; i'm at at the work for new version of skin with ajax call and new menu , touch and scroll support ..

empty_skull Wrote:what is your resolution ?

That screenshot was taken in Firefox 5 on a Win7P (x64) laptop @ 1366x768

And with the "Touch and Scroll Support" being added, I'll test it on my iPad as soon as you release...
HTPC 1: 64-bit Quad Core 3.4GHz Athlon X4 / 16GB DDR3 / (8) 2TB / 42" Vizio / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
HTPC 2: 64-bit Quad Core 2.0GHz / 8GB DDR3 / 1TB / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
My Personal Blog - NewsDemon | Text size doesn't seem to be working anymore for signatures?

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.: Xbmc Web Control :. skin based on Confluence theme0