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new skin M+
Well, for one the images are dead links. Also, you did this a dozen times before. Said you were working on a skin and it would be done soon and then you instantly had a skin finished.
I can certainly see why it took so long. But why post something that doesn't have all your finishing touches??
i likw the look of it but i need to mke it better and i will fix the links asap
Yes the look is very good, very distinctive. It's going to be amazing, I hope we get to see the rest.

If you need help with the programming, let me know. I've mastered CTRL-C, I'm working on CTRL-V but that's really hard.
Oh for fucks sake..
i have got the skin rworking in xbmc but it is so buggy
What, the skin is buggy, or XBMC is buggy?

It's hard to know why the skin should be buggy.
the skin i think i will start it over and mod xperience 1080 to look like this and then it will work a bit better i think
Yes I agree. Something of this quality obviously will take a long time to get right. No point just mashing up some crap and posting it on the XBMC website, better to wait until it's all finished.
(2013-06-24, 15:25)kipor Wrote: m+ is a new and cool, metro skin for xbmc ll this week and next.
You will get to have a look t what the new skin will look like to start it of this is the home page they are test pages and not the final look

xbmc II??

Kipor i actually don't mind the look of this home screen (looks a lot like toyota12303 xbox one skin but whatever) you need to do some more work for anyone to take you seriously anymore because you have been known for spamming the forums with nonsense and false promises you cant just start again all the time.

Show us some dialog mockups and view types you have created and someone may give you some guidance or even some help but there's so much more to a skin just showing one image of a home screen is not enough if it did take 6 to 7 weeks for home mock up your looking at a years work in photoshop and two more coding honest truth.

out of curiosity how did you get a early sneak peek of the xbox one UI before the rest of the world did?
it is n not meant to look like the xbox one

the one thing that is bugging me is i can never make the info panels on the home screen look good like the text bits
(2013-06-24, 20:12)kipor Wrote: 6 or 7 weeks but it is not wht it will look like when i add ll the finishing touches i have lots more photos of it but i need to add them on this

No way, this looks like years of work, you must be really fast. Keep up the good job.
In my opinion You can better help Liquidskin76. http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=150753
He has little time to Export the skin Welo 2.
That skin is really different. Stylish clean cool and innovative
My advice, Time left, Help Liquidskin76.
Welo deserves a place in the skin store
(2013-06-25, 18:54)sling Wrote: In my opinion You can better help Liquidskin76. http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=150753
He has little time to Export the skin Welo 2.
This skin is really different. Stylish clean cool and innovative
My advice, Time left, Help Liquidskin76.
Welo deserves a place in the skin store

[cough, splutter, choke]

shhhhhh... don't mention my name dude, please! oh shit, too late!!

errr, thanks but help no longer required! Big Grin
I am so sorry I thought to help you with this
But is the Welo 2 available?
I find it truly a fantastic skin!
All window 8 skins start to bore me.
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new skin M+14