v19 Support thread for my various video add-ons
looking at his full log, it appears Inputstream Adaptive is never even started.

Looking at the code here:

It appears there is a bug and it never actually uses oldAddonProp.
So, the addon property never ends up being set - even though it's mean to only be depreciated.

Have opened a PR here:

It seems inputstreamaddon does not work in 19 and wasn't meant to - as per below

It was "hard" removed between 18 and 19.
The depreciated message is basically to tell the devs to fix it for Kodi 19.

Therefore, the add-on does need the below update to work on 19

thanks for your advise! I manually applied the patch from https://github.com/sarbes/script.module....ll/1/files (thx @matthuisman) which made the deprecation warning go away so I could see the real problem:
Quote:2021-11-24 09:30:39.235 T:926     ERROR <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Unable to load widevine shared library (/storage/.kodi/cdm/libwidevinecdm.so)
2021-11-24 09:30:39.235 T:926     ERROR <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: OpenDRMSystem failed
2021-11-24 09:30:39.237 T:926     ERROR <general>: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [plugin://plugin.video.filmfriend/?mode=playVideo&video=cd1247d5-cf1d-472b-a24c-4a7845943d0c]
2021-11-24 09:30:39.237 T:926      INFO <general>: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
So @sarbes was right, but I think I still need the libmediathek patch to even reach that point, too.

To get libwidevine I had to manually install the "InputStream Helper plugin" (https://github.com/emilsvennesson/script...elper/wiki) via the Addon browser and install the widevine lib (on the Addon Option page), which requires some license agreement. It was *not* necessary to manually install libwidevine (as described on https://github.com/Sandmann79/xbmc/wiki/...stallation).

@sarbes: Is it an option to add the InputStream Helper as a requirement to Filmfriend plugin, in order to install it automatically? Would make the setup a bit easier.

Finally, Filmfriend plugin works for me.

Thank you very much,
Hi @sarbes,

I'm now using your filmfriend and some mediathek addons. I really like them, thank you for the great work!
I just got some ideas for improvements or new features and wanted to create issues for them. Can you please tell me where I can find the source code repository? The URL from the addon.xml doesn't seem to exist (at least for filmfriend): https://github.com/sarbes/plugin.video.filmfriend

Thanks a lot,
When I have the time, I'll update my add-ons and upload Filmfriend onto Github.

But feature requests I will not accept. I really want to limit my time spend on such add-ons. I have lots of GUI/video rendering improvements on my todo-list. Also, the ideas of most users (how good they might be) are most often not practicable due to limitations of the API in question or even of Kodi itself. If I had the time and skill necessary, I would improve the Python API, which would make way more sense as it could in turn improve every content add-on.

The Filmfriend add-on in particular was more of a test case for me to try out dynamic settings, actor metadata, tokenized login and Widevine playback. Unlike a lot of my other private "research" add-ons, I've put it into a halfway presentable state. Sure it could do better in terms of error checking (especially some corner cases), but I'm satisfied with the core concept.

I see video plugins as "pure" content scrapers, nothing more. It is up to Kodi to present the content - and I do see the flaws with that. I would guess that your suggestions would fall into a similar category. Feel free to bring them up in this thread, but please don't expect them to get implemented.
Hi @sarbes ,

this is no feature request. There ist a problem with play .mpd... here the error from logfile:

2021-12-16 09:54:37.853 T:836      INFO <general>: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: plugin://plugin.video.filmfriend/?mode=playVideo&video=43c1c41d-7b0c-4997-bc0e-600809edf745
2021-12-16 09:54:37.858 T:973      INFO <general>: Creating InputStream
2021-12-16 09:54:37.858 T:973     ERROR <general>: CInputStreamAddon::Supports - 'inputstreamaddon' has been deprecated, please use `#KODIPROP:inputstream=inputstream.adaptive` instead
2021-12-16 09:54:38.036 T:973      INFO <general>: Skipped 2 duplicate messages..
2021-12-16 09:54:38.036 T:973      INFO <general>: Creating Demuxer
2021-12-16 09:54:38.047 T:973     ERROR <general>: Open - error probing input format, https://ak01-flm.delivery.fuugo.com/film.../video.mpd
2021-12-16 09:54:38.048 T:973     ERROR <general>: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
2021-12-16 09:54:38.048 T:973      INFO <general>: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()

I hope, you can help? There is only your addon for filmfriend, otherwise there is no other way to see it in Kodi.

Best regards
Hi @sarbes 

Next try, because no answer. The only thing you have to do before you start the stream (this error comes):

2021-12-16 09:54:38.047 T:973     ERROR <general>: Open - error probing input format, https://ak01-flm.delivery.fuugo.com/film.../video.mpd
2021-12-16 09:54:38.048 T:973     ERROR <general>: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer

these 2 lines must be added before calling the stream, then it works:


If you don't have time to make this simple change, then please tell me in which file in your code I need to add this.

Best regards
Hi @sarbes 

thank you for your so great help! Have now solved the problem itself!!!

KODI should addons that are NO LONGER supported, please also remove!

@sarbes maybe you could merge that PR so the plugins are useable again without modification?
(2021-11-29, 18:02)sarbes Wrote: When I have the time, I'll update my add-ons and upload Filmfriend onto Github.

But feature requests I will not accept. I really want to limit my time spend on such add-ons. I have lots of GUI/video rendering improvements on my todo-list. Also, the ideas of most users (how good they might be) are most often not practicable due to limitations of the API in question or even of Kodi itself. If I had the time and skill necessary, I would improve the Python API, which would make way more sense as it could in turn improve every content add-on.

The Filmfriend add-on in particular was more of a test case for me to try out dynamic settings, actor metadata, tokenized login and Widevine playback. Unlike a lot of my other private "research" add-ons, I've put it into a halfway presentable state. Sure it could do better in terms of error checking (especially some corner cases), but I'm satisfied with the core concept.

I see video plugins as "pure" content scrapers, nothing more. It is up to Kodi to present the content - and I do see the flaws with that. I would guess that your suggestions would fall into a similar category. Feel free to bring them up in this thread, but please don't expect them to get implemented.

Hi, thank you for your words. The Filmfriend plugin can be installed from the official Kodi plugin repository, so it seems to be some kind of "official", that's why I expected it to be actively developed or at least maintained. But of course free time can be rare. Sorry, I didn't want to demand something from you.

However, the plugin is very useful and (in my opinion) really worth to be developed further. I might be able to contribute code (even though my free time can be rare, too), but I wasn't able to find the source code repository. My improvements/features wish list would be:

1. Add the InputStream Helper as plugin dependency, so that it will be installed automatically if not present already
2. Fix the deprecation warning as it sometimes seems to hide other error messages (there is already a PR, but I'm not sure if it is in the correct repository)
3. Maybe create a small HowTo for setting up the plugin? (I could do this if I knew where - Kodi Wiki?)
4. Provide access to user's Filmfriend favorites - simply view the list and start movies from there is ok, I don't need editing (this may be a candidate for "API limitations", right?)

Is there any way I/we can support you regarding the Filmfriend plugin (I have some good Python knowledge, but didn't write a Kodi plugin yet). Or do you really not want it to be developed any further (rendering the plugin unmaintained?
(2021-12-22, 19:30)Aardjon Wrote: However, the plugin is very useful and (in my opinion) really worth to be developed further. I might be able to contribute code (even though my free time can be rare, too), but I wasn't able to find the source code repository. My improvements/features wish list would be:
Hi @Aardjon 

thank you, that you want to help too! Yes, this addon is very useful. There are many films, that you can´t find on other sites. I wish you happy christmas. :-)
(2020-04-26, 18:09)sarbes Wrote: This is the support thread for my (Matrix only) video add-ons:
- ARD Mediathek
- ZDF Mediathek
There seems to be an issue with the first submenue of both ARD and ZDF Mediathek:

- The submenu Sendungen nach A - Z in ZDF Mediathek gives an error.
- The submenu Sendungen nach A - Z in ARD Mediathek takes extremely long time to load.

I attached the relevant part of kodi.log: What I did during the cause of that log is open ZDF Mediathek, open Sendungen nach A - Z  (error), open Sendungen nach Datum (works), open ARD Mediathek, open Sendungen nach A - Z (which takes very long time to load, see 14:13:30.777 and 14:18:29.115).

These submenues work properly on f.e. 3Sat Mediathek as well as arte Mediathek.
(2022-01-06, 15:35)blablubb1234 Wrote: I attached the relevant part of kodi.log: What I did during the cause of that log is open ZDF Mediathek, open Sendungen nach A - Z  (error), open Sendungen nach Datum (works), open ARD Mediathek, open Sendungen nach A - Z (which takes very long time to load, see 14:13:30.777 and 14:18:29.115).
What I actually did during the cause of that log was to open ZDF Mediathek, open Sendungen nach Datum (works), open Sendungen nach A - Z  (error), open ARD Mediathek, open Sendungen nach Datum (works), open Sendungen nach A - Z twice (both times took very long time to load, see 14:13:30.777 and 14:18:29.115).

I'm getting the same error on both of my installations (Win10 and Android/FireTV).
  • "Most viewed" fails
  • "Shows by A-Z" fails
  • "Shows by date" works
  • "Rubrics" fails
  • "Search" works

This error exists now for some weeks (maybe 3 months) and renders the addon more or less *completely useless* now (unless you have added deep links previously to your favorites menubar, which still work).

I hope this can be fixed somehow, otherwise the addon should be marked as "broken" Sad

Thanks in advance and w/ best wishes,
Hi @sarbes ,

It would be great if you could check and hopefully fix an issue with the 'Arte Mediathek' V2.0.1 addon. I am running this addon on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Librelec 11 nightly builds. Most of your Mediathek addons are running properly, however in the 'Arte Mediathek' app seeking forward or backward does not work. Playing a broadcast uninterrupted from start to end, however, is working. A Libreelec debug log file is available here.

I've checked some of your other addons, too. Here the results:

3Sat Mediathek       OK
ZDF Mediathek        does not work
WDR Maus             OK
ARD Mediathek        OK
MDR+                 OK
Phoenix Mediathek    does not work
Sportschau           OK
ZDF tivi             OK

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